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Borne cases the C.~ouncil can offer a public o~• ~~°i~~ate fo~°u~-n. <br />p~°i~fate forum is a meeting betv~feen a l.i.n~_itee~ ~~u~be~ti of complainants and o~~e or <br />n7o~-e ne~~Ps outlets about a specilic complaint that is less li.k€:ly to be of interest to <br />the general public. p~-ir~ate fort~n~ has a problera~-solving focus. <br />public fo~~.~n~as are of interest. to a large group of people, ir~~folve a number of media <br />organizations, anti; questions about. cornrnon journalistic practices. ~"he purpose <br />of a pubic f®~°~~~~n is a public ai~•ing of the issues. <br />besides these, Council staff l~.eeps t~~ack of t~•ends in cornpl~~ints and produces a <br />quarterly newsletter to keep media executives ~zhreast of the kinds of beha~rio~°s that <br />are leading to complaints. amour complaint i-nay apl~ea~- i~.~ that newsletter, `with <br />identifying information tern®ved. <br />I r ~1 <br />~. ~ ~ ~~ithin 4~ hours of our receiving the complaint forms, we infa~•rn the p.~ews <br />organization that a formal complaint has been filed and that, unless the pa~•ties report it <br />~~5 resolved ~.jithin 3~ days, a hea~ing will be scheduled. <br />~~he news organization is asked to respond to the complainant within 1Q days, with a <br />copy to the ~1ews C®uncil. ~ copy of the complaint and signed waitrer, and a copy of <br />the Council's pg•oeedures, a~-e seat to the news organizs~tion. <br />Council staff will. offer tl~e free services of a p~•ofessional n~ed.iator. <br />Days ~ ~ ~ ~~: Staff asks both parties if they have made any progress in resolving the <br />complaint. and penews the offer of mediation. <br />L?~.y ~~ (or eazlier, if complainant gi~res notice that no resolution is possible and <br />requests a hearing): Staff will ask you if you'~:e satisfied with. the news outlet`s proposed <br />res®lution. <br />1) If yes, staff will record the case as resolved. <br />2) If no, staff will: <br />a) con.fh-rn the newt available hearing date, and <br />h) ask you and the news outlet to submit final ~.vritten staterr~ents that <br />include any new inforrr~ation obtained during the process of trying to <br />resolve the complaint. <br />'I`he Complaints C:ornmittee will review the complaint materials and may ask for <br />additional documentation, rr~ay decade that an expert witness should be present at the <br />hearing, or may ~•eject irrele~jant documentation. The Co~nrnittee will help ~~vord the final <br />vocable question(s). <br />The final inf®~~nation packet may contain up to 2.~ pages of infoatior~ from each <br />party, If yTou believe the Complaints Co~nrnittee has ~~ithdrawn rrlate~-ial that would help <br />your case, you can object in a lever to the staff. <br />~'he fc~llo~ving ~~aaterials will be included in the final complaint package (which is <br />available t® the public): <br />_ original complaint. fo~~~1; <br /> <br />