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7. ems for Deco lde~tl~s o ~ ge~~,io. ~.fte~- ~'ouncil staff at lea.5t a da1~ <br />hearing the discussion that has teen p~.ace, either or bath in ad~rance wl-~o ~.vill be <br />p~--ties ~~ay ~~s~ f®r ~~ ~-eces~ to ~•econsider their pasitlon. attending the heap ing. <br />~`l-~e news r~rgani~ation n~:ay choose to acl~no~~,jledge th:e .~Iso ~tedigs Views <br />me~:it of all or a pc~~-tion of the cornplai_nt. If it daes so= ~anncil hearings are open <br />th.ea-e ~,~ill be no vote on that portion of the co~nplint, but try the ~SUblic..lournalism. <br />sirnglyr a ~®uncil affix: ~~~ation of the news or. ga~~i~atioY~`s students anti fac€alt~p <br />adrnissian. frc3quentl}j attend, as ~~lell. <br />`you may ch©ose to drop all. o~• c~ portion of your as reporters f~-o~~ the nears <br />cort~glaint, based open ~~rhat yc~u have lea~-c~ed at the o~`gani~..ation in question <br />hearing. aLld ot~'ler <br />®rg~rn~~at~a®ns. <br />~. ~esu~~ption of the delibc:ratian if ~oc.~ncil ~-nernhers <br />feel they need fut-ther time. ot:~ may invite guests. <br />q. complainant and then ne~~vs organisation nay n~a~e a <br />cl~s~ing ~~ate ent of agproxirrYately two minutes if they <br />feel significant errors ha~re been. int~:-odu.eed into the <br />discussion. <br />1~. council members ~To~ on signed ballots. 'I'l~e <br />executive Director announces the final vote. ~'ouncil <br />members may vote to uphold or deny the complaint, or <br />inay abstain. A simple majority of the votes cast yes encl. <br />no will prevail. The vote of each. rnernber is public <br />infozYnation included i.n the written Determination and <br />press releases. <br /> <br />"I`he Council's executive Director will prepare ~. news release in~rnediately following the <br />hearing and wi11 fax it to you and the news organization first, then to all state news <br />organisations and the wire service. <br />A fo~.-rnal Deterr-~ination containing highlights of the hearing, tl~e final vote at~d any <br />dissenting opinions will be posted to the Counci.l`s web site. <br />~ shortened ~rersion of the Dete~•~nination v~Ti11 appear in the ews ~®cancll`s ne~~sletter <br />(circ. ~,). <br />kith the germission of the ga~-ties, a case may be chosen for inclusion in the mews <br />Council`s rr~ocl~ he-acing handbook, used by high school and college teachers. to help <br />students consider the ethical questions raised b}j Council cases. <br />S <br />