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_ letter o~ eon plaint or st~~~1-na~-~T of co~raplalnt; <br />_ letter ol` response or s~.~~-nn~a~-y of response from the news organi~:~tion; <br />published story o~- stones (audio o~- video, if relevant) <br />dcacti~~entatlon supporting complaint and ~-espc~nses <br />final statement o~ complaint; <br />_ final staterr~ent o~ ~-espoa~se; <br />_ p~•ior ~~ews council detel-n~inations on slrnllar cases 1'0~- info~°~~~tlonal pug-poses. <br />``you nay continue to tr~J to resol~re the complaint prior to the clay of the he~~-ing. <br /> <br />l~eari~-zgs generally herd 1'~•o~n noon to rni.d-al'tez-p~oon. eaa-ing d~~tes will be st~-ictl~r <br />adhered to unless ~•escheduling is necessetry due to extraordinary circurnst4lnces. See <br />cal.enda~- fog- dates in the etar~°ent year. <br />I~aeation of ~ earlllg: IVlost hearings tale place in the Twin Cities. But when both <br />pal-ties live more than t~uo hours outside tl~e Twin Cities, a sra~aller g-~-oup (~-1_~ Council. <br />members) may conduct a hearing in your city, or we may a~-f a1~ge a two-way <br />videoconl'erence with the dull Council. <br />if you need special accommodations or services -access to for disabled persons, <br />or asign-language or other interprete~:•, for example -please ash the Complaints <br />associate a weep in advance. <br />~~l <br />~. Complainant and then. the news orgap~ition may <br />mare °~but~I s~~t~n~onts.~. ewe Counc asks <br />~ues~ions of both parties to illuminate the issues. <br />~S. e~F~ Coune e ~e~s deli~e to among <br />thernsel~~es in public. ~'he corr~plainant and respondent <br />Wray asl~ to spear{ i~ they thir~l~ additional i~-~forrx~ation is <br />needed for cla~~ity, but ~otancil rnen~bers will not asl~ <br />~u~•ther questions. <br />t ~~.i~ `~ <br />°~'he complainant. In sorxae <br />~..r~stances (such as illness <br />or legal. incornpetence~ tl-~e <br />complainant may have a <br />representative spew. <br />Neither party may be <br />represented by an attorney <br />except tander <br />extraordinary <br />circu~~nstances. <br />~~.pert witnesses called by <br />the Council. <br />tether witnesses: 1 ell <br />y <br />