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<br />_ _ _ _ <br />n~~al~, t~ut~ori~ed _ __ <br />I_~IUts ?~~)f)?, C;l~apter ._ .............~ ~Irticlc= ___.~.~ ~` - -__._._ <br />ate i puse~ <br />__ _ _ _. <br />_ <br />sdE ~tiC~n a ~ _. <br />l eisl a~~~y~ action <br />P,~ u~b~3r~~d ' ~~ Si~.les tax of Clp to C?nC;-"11a1f C1f ~ peI'C;C'I7t. f~. ConlplerllC'Iltary Case <br /> tax is a~Ithori~edg as a°ell as a flat tax of CIp to S~~ per II~IOtor <br /> vcCllCle purchased ~vIt111T1 tl~e Clty from r1nyC7I1e engaged In the <br /> retail sale of Il~otor ~fchicles. <br /> <br />R~IC~~red ~It~, __ _ _ __ <br />~ The Rosevtllc CIt~' C(JCII1cI~ must adopt ~~ reSOlIItIUI1 c~s1CII1g for <br />ac~~on ~o ipuse ~~~ 'State f,egisiati~~e approval for a local sales tax referendum, and <br />fax tl~e proposeCl tax Deeds to be apl~ro~°ed by Roseville city voters iI1 <br /> tl~e `~~)~1? general election. <br /> <br />~lo~ved uses of 1~~ __ __ _ __ <br />rl~l~e tax will fund a chic al~d col~-Ilnunity center alzd I'ecreatlonal <br />fax pt~uceeds ~ facilities for both youth and seniors; a police and fire department <br /> expansion or recolzstructiol~9 administrative offices and studios for <br /> thC'. DUI"t11 SCI~3UI`ball Gable T~j C~C9I~I"ImISSIOII, anCl to In1pI'OVe the <br /> John Rose ~linllesota C~~AL,. Capital expel~ditlzl-es for the project <br /> dI'C, not to c,xceed ~ II211110IA. <br />'ax adn~ln~sration TIIe tax ufill be collected by the Commissioner of Revenue with <br /> tl~e state tax as provided ul~der IVfinnesota Statutes ~ ~97A.,~~. <br />fax expl-ation Tl~e tax ~vi1l expire after sufficient revenues are raked to pay for <br /> 'the capital facilities described. above and up to ~ million in 5 <br /> <br />,_ _ authori~ecl botlds, which is estimated to be _ years.. <br />__ <br />I~isc~lla.neous `The enabling legislation rewires that the Ros~,ville City Council <br /> approve the proposed tax in its resolution seel~il~g legislative <br /> authorization for a referendum, and that the referendul~I~ on t11e <br /> related bolads explain that altho~~,~11 the sales tax revelues aI'e <br /> ',pledged to pay tl~e bonds, tl~e bonds are still gel~cral obligation <br /> bonds guaranteed by Raseville's property taxes. <br />__ <br />...................... <br />