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_. <br />~~ <br />-~ ~ - <br />r <br />5"' <br />esol~t~o~~ off` ~ os~v~l~ ~'i~y '€~€~n~ll .q~l~s~~ fnc~r~~a~~n fr€~~ ~~ <br />~r~~snta S~~te ~~ls~afi°~ <br />rfa anduc~ a Spe~lal 1a~:~1 Sales ~'~ ~'er~cn <br />~~r)~ll~Rl~rSS tlfe Roses%i11e City Co~cncil is cot~~t~tlittecl to enhanci~~g the duality cal` life its <br />Roseville and assisting i~~ he117i1~g to ~7~ai~~tain and improve tl~e ~:ltiality cif <br />life i~~ s~irro~~~~di~~~,~ cc~~~~t~~~~.~~~ities; and <br />W1-~F'Rf:AS, i~~ order to impro~~~e or~r duality cif life it is t~ecessc~ry to improve the .lol~~t~ <br />Rose t~~int~esota ~~~~~.-,, to ac.qui~-e land for and to construct and equip, or <br />reconstruct, a Rublic Safety Center, a Community Activity Center, a cable <br />and community television center; and other ancillary facilities; and <br />~~I~EREAS, purs~zant to ~/Iinnesota state la~v, tl~e City of Roseville may conduct a <br />special local sales tax refe~-endu~~~ upon the F~%~innesota l:,cgislature's <br />eflactil~~er~t of a special bill to that effect, and <br />W'~HEREAS, pursuant to subd. ? of section 2~7A.99, Minnesota revised statutes, for a <br />city to acquire authorization from the I~linnesota Legislature to conduct a <br />special local sales tax referendicm, the governing body of that cit~l must <br />adopt a resolution including, at a mi~~limum, information on the proposed <br />tax rate, ho~v the re~jenues will be used, the total revenue that will be <br />raised before the tax expires, a~~d the estimated le~~gth of time that the <br />local sales tax will be in effect. <br />~~4~j, T~IEREFC~RE, ~E IT RESflL~'ED, that the l~oseville City Council hereby <br />requests the authorization of tl~e Minnesota State Legislature, pursuant to <br />subd. 2 of section ?~}7A.~~}, FVlinnesota revised statutes, to col~duct a <br />special local sales tax referenduz~~ in tl~e City of Roseville consistent with <br />tl~e folloti~-ing features a~~cl conditions; <br />1. Tl~c proposed local sales tax rate is _~ <br />~, Tl~c re~renues deri~~cd fro~~~ a local sales tax ~.~ril1 be used to fund a civic <br />and cor~~munity center- and recreational facilities for both youth and <br />seniors; a police and fire department expansion or reconstructioa~; <br />ad~ninistrati~je offices a~~d studios far the '~aToz-th Suburban. Cable ~'~f <br />Con~~~~issio~l, a~~d to i~~~prove the John Rose '~/Iinz~esota C)~AL.; <br />