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wide drainage easements required along the sides and rear of the new parcels, <br />52 <br />respectively. <br />53 <br />5.5Because the proposed parcel is less than 1 acre in area, it is not subject to the park <br />54 <br />dedication requirement established in §1103.07 (Park Dedication) of the City Code. <br />55 <br />5.6According to the procedure established in §1104.04E, if a application <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />56 <br />is approved, the survey of the approved parcels, the new legal descriptions, and any <br />57 <br />necessary Quit Claim or Warranty deeds must be submitted within 30 days for <br />58 <br />administrative review to verify consistency with the City Council’s approval; then the <br />59 <br />approved survey must be recorded by the applicant with the Ramsey County Recorder. <br />60 <br />5.7A tree preservation plan will also be required as part of the application for a building <br />61 <br />permit for a home on the new Parcel A, pursuant to §1011.04 (Tree Preservation and <br />62 <br />Restoration) of the City Code. The trees on proposed Parcel B are already shown on the <br />63 <br />survey and, incidentally, the willow tree identified near the proposed new parcel <br />64 <br />boundary appears to be the only tree that might be subject to the tree preservation <br />65 <br />requirements. <br />66 <br />6.0PC <br />UBLICOMMENT <br />67 <br />At the time this report was drafted, Planning Division staff had not received any <br />68 <br />comments or questions about the proposal from the neighboring property owners. <br />69 <br />7.0R <br />ECOMMENDATION <br />70 <br />7.1Hold the duly-noticed public hearing for this application to solicit and address any <br />71 <br />comments and concerns that neighbors or others might have. <br />72 <br />7.2Based on the feedback from the public hearing and the comments and findings outlined <br />73 <br />in Sections 4-6 of this report, Planning Division staff recommends approval of the <br />74 <br />proposedcreating a total of two conforming parcels, consistent with <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />75 <br />the attached site plan, with the condition that the existing shed on Parcel A shall be <br />76 <br />removed or relocated, or the proposed share parcel boundary shall be moved farther <br />77 <br />north, to maintain a minimum distance of 5 feet between the shed and the new parcel <br />78 <br />boundary. <br />79 <br />8.0SA <br />UGGESTEDCTION <br />80 <br />8.1Hold the duly-noticed public hearing for the proposed . <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />81 <br />By motion, approve the proposed at 1937 Gluek Lane <br />8.2based on <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />82 <br />the input received during the public hearing and the comments and findings of Sections <br />83 <br />4-6 and the recommendation of Section 7 of this report. <br />84 <br />Prepared by: Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd <br />651-792-7073 | <br />Attachments: A: Area map C:Site survey <br />B:Aerial photo <br />PF12-004_RCA_051412 (2) <br />Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />