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Carol n Curti <br />From: <br />Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:11 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curti <br />Subject: Online Forrrt Submittal: Contact Human Rights Commission <br />Thc following form was subtnitted via your website: Contact Human Rights Commission <br />Subject:: marriage amendment <br />Name:: Judith Thoreson <br />Address:: <br />City:: Roseville <br />State: . MN <br />Zip:: 55113 <br />How would you prcfer to be contacted? Remember to fill in the corresponding contact information.: Email <br />Phone Nurnber:: <br />Ernail Address:: <br />Please Share Your Comment, Question or Concez�c�: I was pleased to hear the Human Rights Commission of <br />Roseville was going to vote on whether to join other cities in Minnesota to condemn this amendment. Never <br />before have we amended our constitution to discriminate against one group of people. As a Human Rights <br />Commission, I doa't see how you could vote any other way. <br />My husband arid I have been �narried for 40 years. During that time, we have learned the true meaning <br />of rnarriage- commitment, love, responsibility, raising a family, and growing old together. Some people say <br />marriage is just about pracreation. Since our children have grown, we have had many years to learn what <br />marriage is really about. Tk�e last 20 years have been about Iearning what " in sickness and in health; for better <br />or poorer" really means. Leaning on each otner when parents and siblings die. Being there for each other <br />through diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Now that we are ncaring rctircment, we realize how important it is <br />to be legally able to inherit pensions, insurance, houses, and to have the right to decide last wishes if illness <br />s�ould become terminal. Every one should have these rights, which are only available through marriage. <br />Some people will say that gay marriage is condemned in the Bible, Well, so is divorce, and we don't see <br />those people working hard to pass an anti-divorce amendmenl. The state recognizes divorce, even though some <br />churches choose not to. That would be tb.eir choice with gay marriage, as well. And the state constitution is not <br />the place to be passing arr►endments based on religion, since we have a vast difference of opinion among <br />churches on this issue. <br />This amendnaent would prevent future discussion and legislation on the whole issue of marriage <br />equality. It is not a"protector" of traditional marriage, since allowing same-sex couples to comrnit to one <br />ano#her for a lifetime does not in any way changc rnarriage for any of us, I urge you to vote against this mean- <br />spirited amendment. <br />