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Carol n Curti <br />From: <br />Sent: Friday, May 11, 2012 11:55 AM <br />To: Carolyn Curti <br />Subject: �nline Form SubmitEal: Contact Human Rights Commission <br />The following form was submitted via your website: Contact Human Righis Commission <br />Subject:: HRC's intended Marriage Amendment Resolution <br />Name:: Dick & Mary Ann Houck <br />Address:: <br />City:: Roseville <br />State: : MN <br />Zip:: 55113 <br />How wouid you prefer to be contacted? Remember to fill in the corresponding contact infortnation.: Email <br />Phone Number:: <br />Email Address:: <br />Please Share Your Comment, Question or Concern: To: AIl Members of the Roseville Huma.n Rights <br />Coinmission <br />Re: HRC's intention to draft a resolution in opposition to the Minnesota Marriagc <br />Aznendrnent. <br />Mr. Chairman and HRC Members: <br />This statement is meant to reinforce the all too brief statement that I was allowed to make at the recent HRC <br />meeting regarding the Miz�nesota Marriage Amendment issue. <br />It is my understanding that of the mission of the HRC, and as stated in the HRC web site, is that the HRC is to <br />"provide a method for citizen input concerning human rights issues," and to "promote a posifiive human rights <br />climate in the comtnunity." {my emphasis). However, it is also my understanding that the HRC has been <br />instituted and appointed by the Roseville City Councii to address human rights issues at�d possible violations <br />that may occur within the city of Roseville and make advisory recommendations to the City Council. I do not <br />see any language that would give me an understanding that this direction includes making general statements on <br />the part of tl�e City or its residents either in favor of or opposed to controversial issues that are outside of the <br />city of Roseville's jurisdiction or authority. <br />The HRC is not an elected body and therefore has been give no authority by the voters of Roseville to make <br />statements or to spcak for any of the residents of Roseville or factions thercof. It is therefore inappropriate for <br />