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2012 Agendas and packets
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the I�RC to draft a resolution either for or against the Minnesota. Marriage Amendment in the name of the City <br />of Roseville or its residcnts. <br />I believe that all city officials, whether elected or appointed should make every effort to represent all of their <br />constituents as equally and fairly as possible, and I sec this effort by a non-elected body as an intentional and <br />flagrarrt vxolation of that understanding. <br />As for the special meeting that was held by the Roseville HRC on May 9, 2012 for the purpase to "listen to <br />Roseville residents about whether the HRC should pass a resolution... opposing the proposed constitutional <br />amcndment," (again my ennphasis) the following are my observations and opinions: <br />• I do not believe that the HRC has the authority to call or schedule such a meeting for such a purpose. <br />Any resident can attend the regulariy scheduled meetings of any public body and to make statements, but I <br />believe that only the elected City Council may call a public hearizzg on a particular issue of public concern. I sec <br />no language that would authorize the HRC to call such a meeting of Roseville citizens or to determine which <br />issue is of such public concern. <br />• The published notice of the rneeting specifically stated that the rrieeting was scheduled to "listen to <br />Roseville residents about .. ." and yet, others from outside of the city and those represenling organizations were <br />allowed to make statements and give testimony. I believe this to be also highly i�appropriate for a city <br />appointed commission. <br />• The naeeting hosted something less ihan 1 QO attendees and was obviously stacked in favor of the <br />positxon favored by the commission -- to draft a resolution opposed ta the Minnesota Marriage Amendment. <br />Since Roseville has a population of some plus or minus 30,040 residents, the number at this hearing was <br />certainly not representative and should not be used to determine the feeling of all resident of Roseville. <br />• The HRC making at�d passing such a resolution sets a very dangerous precedent for itself at�d aIl other <br />such appointed commissions in that, such a commission could very well be taken over by a radical group that <br />would seek to pass a very objectionable resolution to all of the residents of Roseville, (ie) a resolution in favor <br />of polygamous unions, or sex with animals, which I might add, some might consider their right. <br />• And finally, there are many thousands of Roseville residents that may not or do not ag,ree with the <br />statement or resolution that the HRC proposes to draft. Since I know that to be true, how and why should a city <br />appointed body be allowed or feel the necessity to speak for and represent only those residents with whom they <br />agree? It is obvious, at Ieast to tx�e, that the members of the HRC are in favor of drafting such an <br />aforemcntioned resoIution. Would those members be offended if the shoe was on ihe other foot and another <br />such commission would dxaft a resolution of opposite intent. So in all fairness, how are those of opposite <br />feelings on this issue to be equally represented by their city representatives, both elected and appointed. <br />For these and many other reasons held by those who favor the passage of the Minnesota Marriage Amendrr►ent, <br />I urgently request that the Roseville Human Raghts Commission not move to draft a resolution either for o.r <br />against this amendment or any other such controversial issue that is beyond the authority and/or ihe jurisdiction <br />of this city's elected or appointed off cials. <br />Dick Houck (an S2 year resident of Rose Township and Roseville} <br />Roseville, MN 551 <br />cc: Membcrs Roseville City Council <br />
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