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NCEA Types of Abuse <br />Major Types of Elder Abuse <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />Elder abt�se is a growing problem. While we don't know all af the details about why abuse occurs or <br />how to stop its spread, we do know that help is available for victims. Concerned people, like you, can <br />spot the warning signs of a possible problem, and make a call for help if an elder is in need of assistance. <br />Physical abuse is defined as the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, physical pain, or <br />impairment. Yhysical abuse may include but is not limited to such acts of violence as striking (with or <br />without an object), lutting, beating, pushing, shoving, shalcing, slapping, kicking, pinching, and burning. <br />In addition, inappropriate use of drugs and pl�ysical restraints, force-feeding, axid physical punishment of <br />any kind also are examples of physical abuse. <br />U Signs and symptoms of physical abuse include but are not limited to: <br />. bruises, black eyes, welts, lacerations, and rope marks; <br />. bone fractures, broken bones, and skull fractures; <br />. open wounds, cuts, punctures, untreated injuries in variaus stages of healing; <br />. sprains, dislocations, and internal injuries/bleeding; <br />. broken eyegla.sses/frames, physical signs of being subjec#ed to puxushment, and signs of <br />being restrained; <br />. laboratory findings of inedication overdose or under utilization of prescribed drugs; <br />o an elder's �report of being hit, slapped, kicked, or mistreated; <br />�c+�an eiderys_ s�n'lchan��.ita„he�ha.�cia�i; an�, <br />. the caregiver's refusal to allow visitors to see an elder alone. <br />Sexual abuse is defined as non-consensual sexual contact of any kind with an elderly person. Sexual <br />contact vvith as�y person incapable of giving consent is also considered sexual abuse. It includes, but is <br />not limited to, unwanted touching, all types of sexual assault or battery, such as rape, sodomy, coerced <br />nuc�ity, and sexually exp�icit photographing. <br />� Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse include but are not limited to: <br />. bruises around the breasts or genital area; <br />. unexplained venereal disease or genital infections; <br />o unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding; <br />. torn, stained, or bloody underclothing; and <br />. an elder's report of being sexually assaulted ar raped. <br />Emotinn�l or psychological abuse is defined as the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through <br />verbal or nonverbal acts. Emotional/psychological ab�xse includes but is not limited to verbal assaults, <br />insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. In addition, treatir�g an older person like an <br />infant; isolating an elderly persan from his/her family, friends, or regulax activities; giving an older <br />person the "silent treatrnent;" and enforced social isolation are examples of emotional/psychological <br />abuse. <br /> Site/FAQ/I3asics/Types_ 4f Abuse.aspx 04/23/2012 <br />