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Carolyn Curti <br />Subject: FW: Online Form Submitial: Contact Dona Bacon <br />-----Original Message----- <br />From: support�c� fmailto:sup�ort(a7c��] <br />Sent: Wednesday, Apri125, 2012 7:11 PM <br />To: Dona Bacon <br />Subject: Online Form Submitta.l: Contact Dona Bacon <br />The following form was submitted via your wcbsitc: Contact Dona Bacon <br />Sub�ect:: Marriage Amendment meeting 5/10/12 <br />Name:: Pat Dankert <br />Address:: <br />City:: Roseville <br />State: : NIN <br />Zip:: 55113 <br />How would you prefer to be contacted? Be sure to check the appropriate box.: Email <br />Email Address:: <br />Phone 1V�nber:: <br />Please Share Your Comment, Question or Concern: I could not figure out where to send this email addressed to <br />the HRC so you are the lucky one. <br />Would really love to attend the 5/10 meeting but will be in Chicago so would like to express my feelings in this <br />ez�naal. <br />I believe it is about time to give all individuals the same rights when it comcs ta rnarriage. I am l OQ%+ in <br />believing that this proposed ban only sets us back in history instead of moving us away from our primitive <br />thinkings about equal rights for all. Who defines the "alI?" I would prefer not having att adtx�endmenl vote <br />because I am afraid that religion/age will still influence the outcome of the vote. In ano#her 5/10 years, more <br />elderly people {including myself possibly) will have moved on to greener pastures but the elderly were brought <br />up in an era where naarriage is one rnan/one woman and nothing else. I would rather have two females/males <br />living next ta me tlxan sax�ne of t�e current residents in my apartment building. I've worked with two men who <br />worked at Milwaukee Public Schools in high profile positions back in 198Q-1985. They lived together, drove <br />the same type of cars and always had us employees over for parties showing off their one bedroom home to all <br />newcomers. They were the best adminisirators and for them nnarriage would have becn a marvelous ending to <br />their "Iove" story. But..... We need to mature and have open minds - ihese individuals can greatly contributc to <br />our community and certainly can do a better job of raising children thaxx some Roseville residents do. I hope you <br />will pass this on to appropriate peoplc for consideration in their decision to be made on May 16. Hopefully <br />some of the prejudice I see daily in Roseville can be eliminated. <br />