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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 23,2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Step Cities Program; as well as Ms. Lindsay Van Patten (Roseville resident) and <br /> Ms. Kiley Friedrich, U of MN students performing best practices research with <br /> City staff as part of their class project to help Roseville become a Green Step <br /> City. <br /> The presentation was included in the meeting materials and displayed via Power <br /> Point; and an Implementation Checklist was provided to the City Council and <br /> Mr. Malinen as a bench handout, attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> Councilmember Johnson thanked the students for their great presentation and <br /> poise during that presentation. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thanked the students for their presentation, and recog- <br /> nizing that the Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission <br /> Chair, Jim DeBenedet, was present at tonight's meeting, asked for his percep- <br /> tion of where the City was at in this process. <br /> Jim DeBenedet, Chair, PWET Commission, advised that the Commission had <br /> recommended to the City Council proceeding with the Green Step Cities Pro- <br /> gram with the understanding that there were a number of steps that could be <br /> taken under the green category. Chair DeBenedet noted specifically the PWET <br /> Commission's current review of transition to LED street lighting as an immedi- <br /> ate consideration, in addition to other items that fit with the goals of the City's <br /> Comprehensive Plan as referenced by the students. <br /> As to whether the PWET Commission was still actively working on the pro- <br /> gram, Mr. DeBenedet responded to Councilmember Willmus that the PWET <br /> Commission has passed off the initiative to the appropriate staff to coordinate <br /> efforts under the broader direction of the City Council. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thanked students for their presentation; and ques- <br /> tioned which items they found from the checklist that have already been com- <br /> pleted by the City. <br /> Students reviewed the various categories and best management practices out- <br /> lined in the Checklist as provided as a bench handout; and their recommenda- <br /> tions for other initiatives, including the State of MN B-3 Program to benchmark <br /> energy use in public buildings. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust, students addressed the Complete Street <br /> Program, recognizing that the City didn't have jurisdiction over all roadways in <br /> the cities; and advantages of more aggressively pursuing green steps. <br />