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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 23, 2012 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested that this presentation be provided to the HRA as <br /> well, since it fit well with the Living Smarter in Roseville and sustainability ef- <br /> forts being promoted by the HRA. <br /> Mayor Roe congratulated the students on their presentation; and their upcoming <br /> graduation. <br /> Due to illness, Recording Secretary Sheila Stowell left the meeting at this time, approximately <br /> 8:10 p.m.,with the remainder of the meeting transcribed at a later date via DVD. <br /> c. Receive Update on Civic Engagement Task Force <br /> Human Rights Commission Chair Gary Grefenberg introduced other members <br /> of the Civic Engagement Task Force, noting that several of its seventeen (17) <br /> members are members of City Council advisory commissions, as well as some <br /> at-large members of the community. Mr. Grefenberg briefly summarized the <br /> expertise they brought to the table in assisting efforts and providing suggestions <br /> to increase civic engagement among Roseville residents. Members involved in <br /> the Task Force were listed on Attachment A to the report dated April 23, 2012. <br /> Members present for tonight's presentation included Kathy Fischer Ramundt, <br /> Jim Lewis, Jim DeBenedet, and Peter Strohmeier. Mr. Grefenberg provided <br /> copies of the Task Force's draft report to City Council members as a bench <br /> handout, attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg reviewed the charge to the Task Force defined by the City's <br /> Human Rights Commission; and noted that the work remained in progress with <br /> two major work groups of the task force currently operating: Assessment of <br /> Civic Engagement Practices Work Group and the Neighborhood Work Group. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg displayed recommendations to-date of the Task Force and its <br /> work groups, as detailed in the bench handout, noting that he had authored the <br /> draft report based on discussions held to-date. While reviewing various media <br /> options to maintain and/or improve communications for citizens, Mr. Grefen- <br /> berg advised that the Task Force strongly supported neighborhood networks, <br /> and neighborhood and community activists; and supported using the Parks and <br /> Recreation Master Plan process be used as a model, as well as past policies <br /> providing for community engagement. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that this draft was a product of the entire group; however, <br /> he suggested that it didn't make sense to adopt the report at this time without <br /> seeking public input on the draft report. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thanked the Task Force for their presentation; and <br /> sought clarification on the remaining expectations and timeframe for the Task <br /> Force to develop their formal report to the City Council; and whether that re- <br /> quired additional review and revision at the Task Force and/or Human Rights <br />