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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 23, 2012 <br /> Page 18 <br /> a. Discuss Council Attendance at LMC Annual Conference <br /> City Manager Malinen summarized the upcoming LMC Annual Conference and <br /> whether the City Council was interested in or would support attendance by staff <br /> and/or members of the City Council at their discretion. <br /> Mayor Roe encouraged all Councilmembers to attend, not just for the infor- <br /> mation and educational aspects, but for the networking and interaction opportu- <br /> nities with peers. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of the LMC making workshops <br /> available by video for those not attending, and to save money. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the LMC most likely would not make their educational <br /> seminars available by video, but preferred personal attendance, not only at the <br /> workshops but to support that interaction of those attending. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that, if and when attending, a formal report should <br /> be provided by staff or elected officials, to share the information gathered, as <br /> well as to provide proof to citizens of the value of attending and use of public <br /> funds to attend. Councilmember Pust noted that this would serve to avoid per- <br /> ceptions and dispel views of abuse of public funds. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted his interest in attending; however, due to poten- <br /> tial scheduling conflicts, advised that if he attended he would do so at his ex- <br /> pense, not the City's, and clarified with City Manager Malinen the pre- <br /> registration deadline of April 30, 2012. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated the important learning opportunities and interaction with <br /> peers and presenters; and noted the more frequent opportunities provided by the <br /> LMC other than at their annual meeting. <br /> b. Discuss Electronic Meeting Packets <br /> City Manager Malinen provided preliminary information, through the staff re- <br /> port, on the potential cost savings in electronic versus written production and <br /> distribution to City Councilmembers of meeting materials. <br /> Discussion included personal preferences of each Councilmember; potential <br /> technological options and software/hardware compatibility; actual time or mon- <br /> ey saved from one format to another; practical application for electronic format <br /> and convenience of receiving the materials; and training if applicable. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted his personal preference for paper copies, based <br /> on flexibility of taking a packet with him for study if he was out-of-town; and <br /> suggested that if the electronic route was decided on, that the City purchase the <br />