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<br />It cmiliot be stressed too strongly that the real problell1 will becoll1e the increased <br />pressure on the far 1110re dangerous Cleveland Avenue and County Road B intersection, <br />especially as the other end vvill close before the needed reconfiguration will COll1111ence. <br />The sight-lines have to be realigned, flashing signals have to be installed, a turn-signal has <br />to be added. .. Can vve depend 011 the City of Roseville to prevail on the appropriate <br />agencies to rnake sure that this vvork is done expeditiously? Not to n1ention the pron1isecl <br />repaving of County B, which 1110st likely will prove to be pie-in-the-sky. <br /> <br />One wonders if the citizens who con1plained that their quiet street had beconle "too <br />busy" in the years they lived on it, think that a "county" road is the sanle as a "country" <br />road. The 111an who was "Shocked! SHOCIZED!" at the an10unt of traffic, n1ust have <br />turned a blind eye to his surroundings while he filled the shoulders of County B on both <br />sides for a span of J\lIONTHS (not to n1ention the shoulders of the narrow side street as <br />vvell) with a giant dun1pster, truckloads of construction 111aterial, and vehicles of <br />contractors of all sorts, \vhile the btlilding of his new house on a corner lot dragged on and <br />on. And now he expects a private street, and to treat hin1self to the increase in property <br />values that \vould COIne from living in a cul-de-sac, thus continuing to inconvenience those <br />of his neighbors \vho depended on the B/280 access for work and for other necessary <br />purposes. If you \vant n10re privacy, you just don't build or buy on a large thoroughfare. <br /> <br />lYfost curious of all, the n1an who quit his job vvhen his son vvas born so that he could <br />stay hOIne and raise hirn. The fellow con1plains that his son has to cross the "dangerous" <br />street and wait on the "dangerous" unpaved shoulder for the school bus in the dark, on <br />winter days. Yet, it \vas not so dangerous that the fello\v would feel the in1pulse to go <br />out \vith his son and wait vvith hinl. He also clailns to watch by the windo\v to count the <br />cars that "do not belong in the neighborhood", as though a county road should be private. <br />Ho\v does he detern1ine vvho "belongs"? Does he \-vait to see if they nlake a turn into nlY <br />street, all the vvay at the other end? Does he look at skin color, or license plates, to <br />detern1ine who "belongs"? Does he really think cul-de-sacs are a protection against theft <br />and burglary? Vie used to live in the cul-de-sac on Eldridge, and robbery was rife. The <br />thieves sinlply parked on Skilln1an and cut between houses on the silent street. <br /> <br />The Council n1en1bers \vho clain1ed to be voting "for the future" by giving this fortunate <br />child a quiet street to play on, will have to explain to the sanle boy, ten years fronl novv, <br />vvhy Band 280 should not be opened to traffic, because he no\v realizes that in bad <br />\veather this would be the safest way to get into Miluleapolis, especially for a ne\v driver. <br /> <br />To judge by the comrnents of Mr. K.lausing, there was no point in contravening the <br />wishes of Ivrn/DOT, because Mn/DOT never loses an appeal. One \vould hope that one <br />elects persons, not rubber stan1ps. Council protestations to the contrary, it was indeed a <br />"done deal". In the end, the investlnent of tirne and effort on the part of citizens vv'ho <br />attended the three "hearings" was wasted -- except that we all had a good opportunity to <br />see hovv 111eetings are conducted. It is inforn1ation 110t soon forgotten. <br /> <br />Sincerely yours, <br /> <br />~ ~VL~~ (J <br /> <br />-~) <br />\( cvvvLe~~40-. /<... ~~- <br />\ ... { <br />'''-.. ~ <br />