Laserfiche WebLink
. To protect and improve air and water quality with pollution <br />prevention as the primary focus. <br />- Obtain comprehensive environmental inventories (surface <br />waters, wetlands, groundwater, wildlife and habitat, air <br />and water quality) and publish results to elicit <br />community support and involvement, and ta guide City <br />plans and policies. <br />- Develop standards for outdoor air quality, monitor that <br />they are being met, and provide corrective action wh�n <br />they are not. <br />� Develop and maintain standards f�r air and water <br />emissions, including run-off from both public and <br />private lands. <br />- Manage and reduce public and private use of fertilizers <br />and pesticides. <br />- Evaluate the condition of woodlands, lakes, wetlands, <br />and grasslands; conserve and replenish them. <br />- Phase out a11 tobacco smoking in public buildings, <br />transportation vehicZes, businesses and industries by <br />the year 2000. <br />- Study the consequences of road salt pollution and <br />evaluate alternatives to minimize its us�. <br />- Increase greenery to absorb air and water pollutants. <br />- Levy large fines for open space dumping. <br />. To reduce noise pollution throughout the community with an <br />initial focus on the Highway 36 corridor. <br />- Utilize means to reduce high speed vehicZe noise (e.g. <br />improved road surface, screens, barriers, speed <br />control). <br />- Develop and enforce strang noise emission standards <br />(decibel levels} for vehicles, power equipment, radios <br />and athe� audio equipment, businesses, and other outdoor <br />activities. <br />- Develop and implement a program for monitoring road <br />noise. <br />_ To protect sensitive or unique natural ecosystems within <br />the City. <br />- Regulate/limit usage of these areas (e.g. wetlands, <br />waodlands, lakes, etc.) where necessary, to conserve <br />them as unstressed areas and to protect their wildlife <br />as needed. <br />� <br />