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- Prahibit usE of fertilizer/pesticides on land adjacent <br />to these areas except for managed and approved <br />applications. <br />- Protect and improve lake water quality. <br />- Evaluate and upgrade park system plans to antzcipate <br />changes in population demographics. <br />- Establish replacement standards far trees removed by <br />development. <br />. To increas� forestation in all areas of the City. <br />- Obtain or conduct greenery inventory mapping. <br />- E�caurage residential plantings. <br />- Develop and implement an ongoing forestation plan for <br />alI City lands and �or County, State, and Federal lands <br />(including highways) within the City. <br />- Establish "greenery standards" for commerciai, <br />industrial, residential, and church properties with <br />incentives. <br />. Ta develop environmentally benign systems for maving <br />peaple. <br />- Encourage use and expansion of public transportation. <br />- Designate bicycle lanes on roadways. <br />- Introduce more surfaced walkways, especially alang <br />heavily traveled highways. <br />. To identify and remedy major visual pollution problems. <br />- EstabZish tighter standards for outdoor advertising. <br />- Prohibit billboard advertising. <br />- Estab�ish environmental and aesthetic standards for <br />building and architecture. <br />- Establish highway beautification standards. <br />- Establish highway screening/barrier standards to <br />minimize light intrusion into residential neighborhonds. <br />- Tighten appearance standards for commexcial and <br />residential property. <br />- Prom�te and advertise the philosophy of "beauty of th� <br />environment", appealing to civic pride. <br />- Levy large fines far littering. <br />3 <br />