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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES $TVDY GROVP <br />Backaround Statement <br />For decades, the development of Roseville's industrial, <br />commercial and residential bases has be�n a primary objective. Our <br />City has a number of major assets, including strategic location to <br />the Twin Cities, access to major freeways, convenzent shopping <br />areas, and some important businesses and industry. <br />Each of these assets has a cost to our total environment, in <br />terms of air and water quality, visual and noise pollution, <br />traffic, crowding, crime and others, all of which affect our <br />quality of life. To protect our quality of life, it may be <br />necessary to introduce certain incentives in order to achieve our <br />environmental goals. <br />Roseville is now a mature community, with Iittle growth in <br />prospect, or even desirable. The vision, goals and recammendations <br />herein are offered as a first step in helping our City redefine <br />i�self for the next century, as a superior place to live and work. <br />It is assumed that, as an early, vital step in this process of <br />redefinition, Roseville will commission a new Comprehensive City <br />Plan, and that the Plan will emphasize strongly the preservation <br />and enhancement of quality of life for its residents and workers. <br />It is further assumed that a standing environmental monitoring and <br />revie�cv committee will be established to advise the City of <br />Roseville on environmental issues. <br />