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. <br />VY.S'�'A ?ADO <br />Sousing Committee Repdrt a�d Reao�m�en8ations ' <br />The Rosev�c V'ssta ZODO �%using Cammittee heId nine m�etings in the prooess o� fu�fiilin8 <br />its charge to cvaluate thc bovsing n�eds of our citizens now and into the fntuxe. in thc <br />coiusc o� our study and dialogu�. � n�txr of past reparts were ass�sSed, and kcy iasnes� <br />and facts ware idGUtified. • <br />.4t background far the dcvelo�maent of oux "V"uion Statem�nt", sad nco�nenda�ons, wo "' <br />oonGlndcd that the follawing w�r� important factozs: <br />A C�onclnsions from Prev�ons Sivdits: <br />L Popula�on ovcr b5 is �shrooming (9 4°.� in 198Q,16�8�b in i990}. <br />� 2 Populatioa undcr age 20 is de�g (�3�X ia 1970, 29% in 1980, 22Ro in 1990}. <br />3. Roscv�le has a surpIus of an�►-Iev�el housia�, both rentat vaits and first timc � <br />homes. . � <br />4� Rosenilc has a strong necd for mc�-ug aingIe-fam�y ham�cs, esp�caeIly m tiyc ' <br />$X50,040 area. <br />5. � Thcre is a necd for quality rental aad town homc units, partiaularlp one Ievel, for <br />empty nesters ead yovng senio�rs in t� community. <br />6. 30 to 40 congrzgate rantaI u� are accded fiar oIder soaiors. <br />7. �eIl-mena��d muiti-fam�y pw�ed or r�ntal �its bave no higher aumb�r af <br />polico catZs per tmit than szugie-fa�y hovssn� <br />8. Iand €or poss�ble dcveIopment ia Rosev�7le is very I�ited. <br />B. Priarity Reasons Iden '�ied for Rcsiding in Ros�v�le: <br />1. I�ocation. <br />2 3ob bas�. <br />3. Education. <br />4 �Parks/open spac�e. <br />5. peoplc (strong neighborhoods}. <br />