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6. G�► servi�cs. <br />7. Pcaoefulness. <br />G Major 4veran Fac�oars �d�cntified Thraugh the Community Fonims Affectmg �%usiag: <br />L Educ�tiom. <br />Z. Aesth�etics. <br />3. Covesnment affairs/#nter�ovr,�m�en� coopr.xation. <br />4� Commtmic�tio�n. <br />S. Commun�itylneigbbarhood idcntity, rclationship, aad �ue. <br />In pxeparation af our Vision Sts.temenx aad recom�tnendabons, the Committ�ee identified a <br />mmnber of k�cy issvcs at�d wtighed the pros aud cons of cach for our Commumty. 1'ba items <br />identificd and onr cAZ�clus�ions esa tbe following: <br />A $alancc <br />� �� � + �_. �' �� w �� • • u <br />The h�using committcc deplores discrimiz��ttian and endorscs education about <br />a�d enforocment of anti-discamination laws. It also be)ic�es diversity is bealthy, <br />as all have value to a compl+et� community. Wh�1e it as i�aportant to eacouragc <br />youag fam�ics winc �h�drea to me.intain our sc�hools, oIder pcople t�mas <br />bave mora discretionary imcome and volun#ter their sorvio�.s m fvrther co�unity <br />efforts. It is importent to mamtain �� in housing for Iowoz income residcnts, <br />thorcfore nccxssitatmg possible sabsidies. The aPP�P�te baZar►�e of hausmg <br />units is dcsirable ta mcet ihc nceds of ell. <br />2 �� <br />The housing cammit`Ece rccognizes thc li�ted ava7ablc la� im IZoscv�ie and has <br />�on�iac,red rho aa�►an�g�s �o vari�s ty�s of Zana nse. xousm.� bss a s�ia �a <br />base, lawar ra�c than commcrcial, and adults and aGhoaI chr�d�ren to further the <br />�vo�rk of thc comm�.ity. Educetionat and rel�giaus mstitut�ons, while addiag littic <br />direct�y to t�e taa base, are essential to fosteriag an edu�at�cd com�muflity �vith <br />�igh standazds afld v�Incs. Roscv�e's qe�ality educationai system draws <br />responable, civi�mindod people to tbis commuaity. CommerGial pr��rty has <br />the hi��st taz base and mair�es sbopping convc.nieat and jabs and servloes elasc <br />� home. Yt aiso oncotu•agcs ]ugber �c aud rrimc �c�els. Parks snd apcn <br />space incrcese t�c qus]ity of 1ife, exe an arnaction to �he r�►, snd m�tain <br />w��i£e. Op�n sp�ca �s envaronme�R�li.y sound and neocssaiy to mamtain ]aioc <br />