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�va#er quality and controL Nci�ther tppe of ]a�ad is ta�ed� ps�ks encourage more <br />�c, light, and noise; opcn spacc encourages bzcedmg a� desIIable as �viell as <br />undesuable ]i�e (a& mosquitos). <br />,• n ��R i� i, 7�.! 7 4���' {�1 �_ y: �� <br />Thc bot�smg co�mmittee reco�rs commututy r�.spo�bility for bousuzg of specxal <br />n�ecds persons consistent with our visian statemcnt and �tate and fed�rallaws. •, <br />This is an ar�a where intergov�rnmcntal cooperation map P�Y � P� , <br />}�: �- , • , � � � .= <br />'TbC liousing conunitt�c recognizes triat p�Ide in ownership kads to acsthetic�Ily <br />appcaling, a►�D-ma�ntamGd res�denoes, lass ten�aover, $ad more commuttity <br />iavnlvcment It also rcco�izrs that reat�I prop�rty oftoa attracts yo�wQ.B <br />profcssiona]s, in�roduxs nawcomers !o the arca, �d se�s es aa si�ernativC to <br />older n,s,idents. It aiso I�as a tax advantage to tbe c�ty but may dccrr,ase <br />surtounding ProPczij' valucs- The qualit�' of #ha bw�ding and li£estyIc is v�ry <br />dependcnt oa thc commitment of tbe t�wazr to the bu�ciit�g, to th� tenants, 8�id <br />to the cit�. <br />.� �Y ��, � . <br />Thc housing c4mmittcc supports divcrsity ia cost af bausing to serve aII needs in <br />th� community. It rccog,oizes the higrer tax base of hi�-cosc hausing and higher <br />iavoiv�znent m the comrnunity by its res�d�nts, bnt t�ue r�qui�ement for morc Iand <br />,�-" per residence. Lower-cost is aas�7y marketablc but a$r.cts thc vaIues of <br /> bomes and may increase the ueed for �mergenay and comt�tunity <br />s�vic:es. <br />. � • . „ l� �� � : �. �. <br />Mu3ri-fami�y housing tends to be �ore affordab�e, m�cts the baIanoe abjcctives, <br />holds morc people (consumers), bas a higher ta�r baso, and uscs less land than <br />singl�fam�y bousiag per iutit It produoes higher traffic ZeveLs and mort <br />emar�ncy calls if not properly managcd Thc samo quaJity of awaership vs. <br />rCntal �pplies to multi-f,�mily and si.ngYe famt�y housing. Smg]e-fams�y bousing <br />pravides for Iess do�isit�, ]ess d�mand for pnblic services; and, accarding to <br />com�munity sinveys, i� xh� most �avored by Rosev�Ia citiuns <br />B� Qae,i�ty <br />��.: }� r: � L •'�i: � �1_ � K�l <br />The housmg commattee recagniies trie neocssity ta m�intam a homc and Pm�ertY <br />f�r sa�ety, ae�th�tics, to �c,rcase its pr�p�rty wa]u�, and �t e goe�d �gsZ�. <br />