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sovsr�G <br />VISION <br />Roseville shall be a community with an appropriate balance of <br />attractive, safe, well maintained housing alternatives that are <br />available without discrimination in appealing, well kept, crime <br />deterrinq neighborhoods with appropriate City services, parks, and <br />open space located in an environment that provides adequate <br />educatianal, occupatianal, and spiritual opportunities. <br />GOALS <br />. Achieve a good baZance of different types of housing <br />alternatives that will meet the needs of our residents <br />through careful use of the iittle remaining land in <br />Rosevilie. <br />- F:uiid single family hornes in the $1�0,000 price range. <br />- Provide quality, low derasity rental and owned town home <br />units, particularly one Ievel. <br />- Have affordable and/or subsidized congregate rental <br />units for sen�ors and others with special needs. <br />- Retain an apprapriate percentage of parks and apen <br />space. <br />- Explore the possibility of redeveloping existing <br />coa�ntercial/industrial properties where appropriate. <br />- Explore senior housing on Larpenteur Avenue in the area <br />af old City gardens. <br />. Encaurage maintenance of existing housing and property. <br />- Maintain strong, up-to-date code enforcement through <br />education and implementation. <br />- Identify and/or developing pragrams for financial and <br />other incentives and assistance for home improvements <br />(prizes, tax breaks, loans, savings plans, etc.). Inter- <br />government cooperation would be essential. <br />- Provide incentives to owners of oider rental units for <br />high maintenance and renovation of buildings and <br />grounds. <br />- Implement Truth in Housing legislation. <br />