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INTRODIICTION <br />The Transportation Study Group feels strongly that transportation <br />management and organization is essential for orderly developinent, <br />environmental quality, and the general quality of life desired by <br />the present and future residents of Roseville. <br />Mission: <br />The group will identify and analyze Roseville's transportation <br />issues based on community interests. The group will prepare a <br />report for City Counci]. that presents a vision for a safe, <br />effi�ienta a�� ua�yiroa�a�ere±�aliy �n�btr��bY� tr�nsport�tion sy��em <br />for the year 2000+. <br />Definition: <br />For the purpose <br />the multi-modal <br />through, and ou <br />Vision: <br />s of our study group, we defined transportation as <br />movement of people and materiaks into, within, <br />t of Roseville. <br />Roseville, while maintaining and enhancing its suburban <br />characteristics, needs and desires a transportation network that <br />effectively serves the needs of those who waik, ride, and transport <br />materials throughout the city. This network should be efficient, <br />minimally polluting, convenient, attractive, and an integral part <br />of aur cammunity and its development. <br />We believe in balance. The needs of those who travel by motor <br />vehicle to, within, and through our community must be met, but <br />not at the expense of the environment ar the quality of life for <br />�ocal residents. The needs created by the existing commercial <br />development must be balanced by the needs and desires of nearby <br />residents. Auto, truck, and bus traffic must be facilitated, but <br />should not dominate to the exclusion of other modes of <br />transportation such as walking or bicyc3ing. Transportation <br />concerns must be addressed during the planning stages af any <br />commercial or residential developments undertaken in the future. <br />Statement of Issues: <br />The Transportation Study Group discussed a list of issues and <br />modes af transpartation. After review, we identified three major <br />categories of transportation over which the residents and city <br />government have considerable impact. We then identified ather <br />important modes of transportation over which the city and the <br />residents have little direct impact, but which should be <br />mentioned because of their general importance and the desire of <br />the Transportation Study Group to see that they are included in <br />future discussions with other cities and governmental agencies. <br />�1- <br />