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storage of appliances, furniture, brush and other items on personal property is a significant <br />problem. <br />Neighboring communities have found residents value a city clean up day where residents can <br />dispose of items such as furniture, bulky items and appliances for a fee. <br />Alternatives <br />Some cities with organized collection of garbage offer curbside pickup of bulky items. The City <br />of Hutchinson has a white goods collection day as part of its garbage program. Residents can <br />place one white good (appliance) and one hard good (furniture item) per household curbside for <br />co]]ection on that one day of the year. Residents call the City's garbage hauler, Waste Manage- <br />ment, to schedule pick up. <br />Residents pay a monthly garbage fee that includes recycling, collection of organics and white <br />goods collection. The fee is based on the size of the resident's garbage container minus any <br />senior discount. Current monthly rates are $14.83 for a 30-gallon cart, $19.05 for a 60-gallon <br />cart, $25.26 for a 90-gallon cart and $11.98 senior rate. <br />In Stillwater residents can put out furniture, appliances and electronics on their trash pick up day. <br />Furniture is disposed of with the rest of the trash. Appliances and electronics are picked up by <br />appointment. Disposal costs are included in residents' trash rates. Current monthly rates are $9 <br />for seniors, $11.45 for a 32-gallon cart, $13.24 for a 64-gallon cart, and $15.10 for a 92-gallon <br />cart. <br />••/ <br />�� <br />In Mesa, Arizona City crews set out ro]]offs in residential areas each spring. <br />Residents are advised that they can put appliances, bulky items, construction <br />debris and other similar items (no electronics or household hazardous waste) in <br />the rolloff for free. The cost is included in residents' monthly garbage fee. <br />These cities do not offer annual clean up days. <br />Options Considered: <br />1) <br />2) <br />3) <br />4) <br />Continue to educate residents about private means of disposal for bulky items. <br />Initiate a citywide clean up day that includes an area for residents to drop off bulky items. <br />Initiate a citywide program of curbside collection of bulky items. <br />Encourage the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance to promote carpet recycling <br />programs and support the MOEA's efforts at product stewardship. <br />Recommendations: <br />Include in a Citywide clean up day an area for residents to drop off bullcy items. <br />Expand and enhance education campaigns to educate residents about private means of <br />disposal for bulky items. <br />Encourage the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance to promote carpet recycling <br />programs and support the MOEA's efforts at product stewardship. <br />29 <br />