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Appendix I <br />Highlights of Key Items that Relate to Municipalities <br />� <br />in Ramse� County So1id Waste Master Pian <br />The Master Plan is organized by chapter inio major topic areas. All chapters except Yard Waste <br />have regional elements in addition to elements specific to Ramsey County. The regionai <br />elements were developed by the metro six-county Solid Was#e Management Coordinating Board <br />(SWMCB). 1'art of the regional elements include outcomes for each county that were negotiated <br />atnong the SWMCB znember counties; these "negotiated outcomes" are incorporated directly <br />into the county-specific elements. <br />For each chapter, items that relate to or could affect municipalities are noted. Efforts that will be <br />coordinated by ihe SWMCB on a regional basis are presented in the Regianal Plan element, with <br />page numbers cited; �ther palicies, outcomes, or strategies for which Ran�sey County is <br />responsible for may be found in a Counry-specific sectivn. <br />Source Reduction <br />+ Source reduction efforts, including effores by government units, will be critical in stem►n�ing <br />the rapid increase in waste generation. Priorities include revucing cardboard, pallet, and <br />of�ce paper waste. �Regronal Plan: p. 29, Strategy S under Intermediate Outcome l,- p_ <br />30, Strate�y 4 under Intermediate (lutcome 2,- County-specifre section: Negotiated Oz�tcome <br />1] <br />Region will work with municipalitics and other entities to dissem�inate source reduction <br />information to residents and businesses on reducing unwanted mail; County will work with <br />z�aunicipalities on reducing cardboart�, pallet, office paper, and food waste, and on <br />general source reduction promotinnal messages. (Regronal Plan: p. 31, Strategy 2 under <br />Intermedicrte nutcome #3; Caunty-specifre section: Str•ategies 2, 3, �J <br />Reduction in Toxic/Hazardous Character of Wastc <br />• County will continue its bousehold hazardous waste {HHV� program; lang-term regional <br />effort to promote product stewardship_ [Regional Plan: p. 37, Principal Qutcome Z; <br />Caunty-specific section: Policie.r ,l-3, Negotiated Outcome Z, Strategy IJ <br />County will work with municipalities to coordinate publiciiy for cammunity cleanup <br />events with HHW management educational infornaation. (County-specific section: <br />Strategy 2J <br />• County will continue regulating non-hausehold generators of itaza.rdous waste, with <br />expanded rale as a clearinghouse af infornoEation on pollution prevention and proper <br />�anagement; evalute waste znanage�nent system and regulatory approaches for Very Small <br />Quantity Generators (VSQG) of hazardous wasie. fCounty-specifre section: Policy 4, <br />Neg��trated Outcomes 1 and 2, Strategy 3J <br />Cou.nty will promote icnow�edge among consumers, businesses and puhlic entities of heal� <br />and environmental cffccts of impropet znanagement of �iazardous materials_ [County-specifrc <br />section: Negotiatecl Outcome 4, Strategy 3J <br />