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Rec____ vc. lin� <br />• Re�ion will maintain at least a�0°/n recycling rate ann�ially. jR�.�S;lOi7LlI PIa�T: p. -�^, <br />Principal Oartcr�jn� J <br />•('oun#y ���il� �vork closely �vith cilies to try to increase residential recyclimg. (C'oirr�ly- <br />.S�7L'G�i�ic section: r'Ve�f;pl1LlIL'C� UiliL'()IT7L' 1; Str�rte�y 2J <br />� Count_y will continue current policies: <br />� requiring municipalities to provide cnrbside recyc�ing, and to have a long-term <br />tizia.ncing mechanism to fiind municipal recycling programs; �County-specifc sectin�a_ <br />Policies ;t, � and b; 1Vegotiated Orrtcvme �; St�•ategy 2�J <br />� expecting municipalities and contractors to use best efforts io enst�-e the maximur�n <br />eollection and marketing c�f recyc�ables rnaterials collected in recycling programs and <br />avoid disruptions in prosrams due to temporary dif#iculties in marketing specific <br />materials; �C�02131Iy-S�eciflL' .5'L'etion: PoZicies � and IOJ <br />:- allov��in�� municipalities to use the County's service charge authority through_joint <br />powers agreen�ents; jCoii��ty-speci�c seclion: Policy SJ <br />j- prc�viding SCORE funds to mumic'rpalities (subject to availability) to �se for residential <br />recycling, source reduction, city cleanup events and yard waste and shz-ub/tree waste <br />management. �Coz.rntv-.S�eci�c sectiof�: Policy 5; Strutegy 2/ <br />County wiil eYpand eligible uses of �atunicipaI SCORE grants to include �non-residential <br />reductian and recycli�g efforts; County will �vork with interested municipaiities to <br />determine inethods for extending curbside collection to interested businesses, where feasible, <br />�vith businesses paying the cost, starting on a pilat basis. [Cozcn _ty-specific sectinn: Strategt.� <br />�J <br />• County �vill, during 1999, decide the future of� tl-►e Rarrzsey County Rccycling Center and <br />County's role af ensuring rnarkets for recyclables from curbside programs; if' decision is <br />made to ccase this role, Recycling Cer�ter would continue tl�rough 20Q0 to allow transition. <br />/C��i�nty-sl�ecific sectron: �S'tr•ategy 3J <br />* County will wori� with rnunicipalities and other entities to disse,nnina#e recycling <br />information to bnsinesses; region will target city and county economic development staff as <br />allies in promoting recycling and "buy rccycled" to businesses. jRegional Plan: p. 52, <br />Strate,�t� 2 under Intermediate Dutcoyne 3; County-specifre section_ .Strate�y 4J <br />Region �vill coordinate six-county residential ar�d tnulti-unit housing recycIing messages, and <br />Co�nty will work with municipalities and other entities to disseminate co�nty-wide <br />recy�ling information to residents; mnunzcipalit�e� will continue to take the lead i� <br />provid�g residents i�f�rmation spec�c to ffiunicipal recycling programs. �Regional <br />Plan: p. =18, Strategy 1,- County-specific sectinn: Policy 4, Strate�y 2J <br />Region will explore expansion of coaperative purchasing to help public entities procurc <br />recycfed content products at least possible cost and wiIl update the "Environmentally <br />Responsible Governrnent Procurement Gu.ide." [Regional Plan_ p_48, Sn-ategy 2� <br />� <br />