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Governmental leadership �vill be ke}�, tirst by counties, ar�d Ehen by mtmicipalities anci other <br />piiblic entities. This includes County efforts that help public entities find ways: <br />�#o reduce nonMS'�V, or reusc, 2-ecycle or process gortions of nanMS'VV generated by <br />public activities, incluc�ing material generated by deconstruetio� or remodeling <br />activiti�s; �Cc�urrty-specific s•ection: hiegr�trcrted Ou�come l; Strcrtegy �J <br />� to incorporate sustainable architectural guidetir►es, w�here feasible, in the p�anning <br />process �or the cojlstruction ai�d remadeling of government buildings, including projects <br />using public financing; (Ca7rnty-specifre seclion_ 11Tegotirrtec� (}utcome 4,- Strate�y 4J <br />:- to examine opportunities to share use of recycling or processing equipment �mong <br />goverr�mental units, including the State, particularly equipn�ent requiring large capital <br />expenditures. �C�01ll1ty-.5�7�'Cl�c seclion_ Stratc�gy �J <br />County will work wit�i municipalities to incorporate requirements for deconsiruction into <br />local builcling and demolition permits, provide notice of demolition permits tc� County, <br />and disseminate information to contractors, refuse haulers, arad others on opportunities for <br />reuse/recycling, processing. jC'ounry-specif c sec�inn: Strate�y bJ <br />County �vill work �vith znunicipalities to ensure separate management of nonMSW <br />colIected at munici�a! cleanup events that cannot be accepted or processed at the <br />Rarnsey/_Washington County Resource Recovery Facility in Newport. [Caa�nty-.specifc <br />sectivn: Sb•c[tegy 8] <br />Yard Waste (no rewional element on #his topic} <br />•�oun�y �uvill maintain its network of leaf/grass compost se�es as a management option far <br />residents, and will con�inue to provide inforn�ation on managerr�ent options and recfuction <br />(such as Uy leaving grass clippings on the lawu}. �Policies 2 crnd 3,- Outcome �; Slrategies 1, <br />2and5] <br />* C�unty will continue to prmvide compost, when available, to wesidents, local <br />governmea�ts, and non-profit entities. /Stralegy 1 J <br />• In 1994, Caunty will meet wit�i municipalities, Saint Paui District Heating, and private firms <br />ir►volved in tree and sluub waste management to assess current apportu�ities for resic�ents <br />for managing tre� and shrub vvaste, and develo� a new tree and shrub waste <br />utanage�enE p�an by the end of 20�0. Issues to be examined include: managcment of <br />ongoing tree arid shrub waste vs. sta,rrn event waste; types of waste (e.g., brush vs. sturrzps}; <br />level af callection frequency needed; demand for use for mulch and biomass energy; and <br />appropriate governmental and private roles in collection, processing, funding, and providing <br />i�iforrnation. [Polrcy 5, Strategy 3J <br />� Courrty will continue to allow maQicipally-§ponsored nnaanagement of yaa�d waste, <br />i�ci�d'ang tree an€� shrub v�ast�, to be an eligible use of SCORE grants and city.se3rvice <br />charges co�lected tlarough the County's waste manabement service charge authority. <br />(Sb•ategy �] <br />4 <br />