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• Region will research zoning and facility barriers to commercial and multi-unit housing <br />recycling and develop model planning, zoning and building ordinances/guidelines that <br />; minimize recycling ban-iers. %Re�ional PIcr�7: p. -�cg, Stf-ate�ry� 3J <br />� <br />� <br />Region, working with municipalities and private service providers, will study efficiency and <br />effectiveness of recycling programs and explore funding options and innovative programs; <br />Couaty �vil! gather information ta I�e used in analysis, and will d�stribute informatior� <br />and findings as soon as it is avaifable to help municipalities make decisions about local <br />programs. �Regianal Plun: p. SI, Strutegy under Inter�riediate Outcnme 2; Co:mty-specific <br />sectron: Negotiated Dutcomes 3 and 4; Strategy 2J <br />Region will work with State to identify market needs and promote markets for recyclables, <br />especially paper_ (Regional Plan: p_ 52-53, Strutegies 1 and 3J <br />+ Ramsey, Washington and Dalcota Counties will work with Metro Fast Development <br />Partnership and local economic c�evelopment entities to increase awareness of the recycling <br />industry and the opportunities for growth by pursuing such industries. �County-specifrc <br />se.ction: Negoticrted Dutcome b,- Strutegy 7] <br />MSW Processing <br />• Region and County will work with the State and public entities tQ ensure that waste <br />generated 6y public entities is managed in accordance with Master Plan and State <br />Statute {In Ramsey County, this includes ensuring that public entities deliver mixed- <br />municipal solid waste to waste processing facilities, such as the R�znsey/Washington County <br />Resource Recovery Facility in Newport, or submit a risk management analysis and <br />management plan tQ the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, as required in State Statute}. <br />�Regional Plan: p. 58, Strategy under Intermediate Outcome 2,- Counry-specific section: <br />Negotiated Outcome 1; Strategy 4J <br />MSW Landfillin� <br />• Region and County will work with public entities to assist them in using wespons�ble waste <br />managernent principles r�vhen arranging for thc landfiliing of waste. CReginnal Plan: p. <br />63, Strategy under Intermediate 4utcome 1; Counry-specific section: Negotiated Outcome 1; <br />Stf-ategy 4 in MSW Processing sectionJ <br />NonMSW Mana�ement <br />Note: NonMSW includes all waste materiai that is .not part af the mixed-municipal solid waste <br />(MSV� stream, and that is not regu�ated as a hazardous waste. Major nonMSW wastes include <br />construction and demolition waste, industrial wastes, and materials that are excluded from the <br />statutory definition of MSW, such as street swcepings, sludges, etc. <br />Region will provide education and technical assistance to public entities regarding <br />appropriate management of nonMSW. [Regional Plan: p_ 6� Strategy under Intermediate <br />Outcome 2J <br />3 <br />