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Cost <br />Education <br />Capital <br />Innovation <br />Safety <br />Customez Service <br />What excites you �bout garbage? <br />Clean wholesome Iiving <br />Sense of Satisfaction <br />Every day is different <br />Family Pnde <br />Relationship with Customers <br />Message to Committee <br />Look at how things really are. Roseville easy but lang-term fix <br />Willing to work with committec <br />Look at long-term solutions <br />Educate <br />Conservation vs. consurnerisrn <br />Differentiate between public and organized colleetion <br />Current system is good for residents az�d friendly for hau�ers <br />Public collection does not solve problem af illegal dumping <br />Easier to work with group <br />Competition improves <br />o Price <br />• Service <br />• Resourcefulness <br />