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Multifamily Complex Residents Focus Group <br />Tim Pratt opened the focus group with an overview of the State and City's history related <br />to solid waste and recycling. Following the background discussion, Pratt posed the <br />following questions and invited the participants to respond. <br />What are the components of garbage collectioYis? <br />-clean environment <br />-land fills <br />-trash collector <br />-people who recycle and those who don't <br />-money <br />2. W�at do you lrnow about the role of the City/County and State? <br />-hazardous waste site <br />-licensing <br />-fees <br />-hiring contractors and the adrninistrative details <br />3. What's the rnost critical part af garbage collection? <br />-people don't recycling and those that mix their garbage and recycling <br />-whatever happcns to the �arbage after it's hauled away...where it goes <br />-separating recycling and garbage <br />-batteries -- can I recycle batteries and my yellow pages <br />-morc rccycling drop-offs <br />-more recycling options (easy drop offs and signs on cans) <br />-educate the public <br />4. What concer�ts you about garbage collection? <br />-educate new tenants on what' recyclable <br />-want more sites for mul#i-family recycling drop affs or provide it to the buildings <br />-is there enough room for multi-family on site recycling <br />-offer incentives for recycling <br />-pollutants in the waste stream <br />-cost <br />6. What excites you about garbage collection? <br />-peop�e who don't obey the recycling rules <br />-where do we recycle clothes <br />7. What's the central issue? <br />-Ease, convenience, hassle free <br />-awareness —expand education znethods <br />--cost of drop offs of on site multi-family pick-up <br />9. What themes are beginning to emerge? <br />-education of what is recyclable <br />