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� <br />P <br />Appendix H <br />Minnesota Statutes 2�D0, Chapter 115A. <br />Copyright 2000 by the Q�ce of Revisor of �tatutes, S�ate af Minnesota. <br />===II5A.01 <br />115A.01 Citation. <br />Chapter 115A shaZl be known as Che Waste Nianagement AcE. <br />HIST: 1980 c 564 art 1 s 1; 1989 c 325 s 1 <br />===115A.02 <br />115A.02 I.egzslative declaration af policy; purposes. <br />(�) It is the goal of this chapter t� protect the state's <br />land, air, water, and oCher natural resources and r.he publzc <br />health by improving waste manaqement i.n the state to serve the <br />following purposes: <br />(1} reduction a.n the amount and toxic:ity of. wasCe <br />c��nex•ated; <br />(2� separation and recovery of materials and energy from <br />waste; <br />(3) reduction in indiscriminate dependence on disposal of <br />waste; <br />(4} coordination of sala.d waste management amonq <br />subdivisions; and <br />(5} orcierly and deliberate development and financial <br />security of waste facilities includiny disposal facilities_ <br />(b) The waste management qaa.l of the state is to foster an <br />integrated waste manayement system in a mannez appropriate to <br />the characteristics of the waste stream and thereby protect the <br />state's Iand, air, water, and other natural. resources and the <br />public health. The following waste management pract.ices are in <br />order, of, preference: <br />(lj waste reduction and reuse; <br />(2) waste recycling; <br />(3) compostinq of yard waste artd �ood waste; <br />( 9) resource recovery throuc�n itiir.ed municipal solid �aaste <br />compo:�ting or .incineration; <br />(5} land disposal which produces no cneasurable methane gas <br />or which inaolves the retrieval of inethane gas as a fue? for the <br />production of er_ergy to be used on-site or for sale; and <br />{6} 1ar�d disposa� whic_h prodtices measurable methane and <br />which does not involve the retrieval of inethane yas as a fucl <br />for the production af energy to be used on-site or far saJ_e. <br />HIST: 1980 c 564 art 1 s 2; 1989 c 325 s 2; 1991 c 33-I s 5; <br />199"L c 593 art 1 s 9; �999 c 585 s 7; 1999 c 231 s 131 <br />==17.SA.03 <br />��Z2�� 1 <br />Page 1 of l24 <br />