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Page 2 af 1�0 <br />115A.03 Definitions. <br />Subdivision 1. Applicabiiity. For th�: �urposes oi <br />this chapter, the �.erms definea in [ section �Fave t_he <br />R�eanings given thean, unless the contexi reqi3�res otherwise. <br />Subd. 2. AgEnc�y_ "Aqenry" means the poll.ution <br />contral agency. <br />Subd. 3. Repealed, 1989 � 335 art 1 s 27Q <br />Subd. 3a. Arrange for management. "Arranye far <br />mariagement" means an activi,ty u�ldertaken by a person that <br />deCermines the ultimaCe disposition of saZid �:aste that is under <br />the control of the person, includinq delivery �f �hE waste to a <br />transfer station for transport ta a«ott�er solici waste tttanagement <br />Lacility. Know,tedge of the destinatiort of waste by a t�enerator <br />is by itself insufficient for. arranging for mar�agernenr unl�ss <br />the generator knows that the dest.i.nat.�on is an envirorimentally <br />inferior faci.lity as defined .in this section, has the al-�ila_ty to <br />redirect the waste to an envirorimentally superior �ac;ility and <br />ensure ,its delivery to that facila.ty, and chooses apt te� <br />redirect th� waste_ <br />Subd. 9. Cities. "CiCies" mear�s statutory and home <br />rule chartex cities and towns authorized to under sec�tions <br />�162.351 to 462.364_ <br />Subd. 5. ColZection. "Collection" means the <br />aqgregation nf waste from the place at whicti it is gener�ted ar�d <br />includes all activit:i.e_; u� t:o ttie t_ime the waste i.s de].ivered to <br />a waste tacil.ity. <br />Subd. 6_ Cnmmercial waste facility. "Commercial <br />waste facility" means a waste f.acility established and permitted <br />to sell waste processirig or disposal servi.ces to qenerator: <br />other. than trie owner and opexator of the facility_ <br />5ubci. 6a. Commissioner. "Co;nmissioner" means the <br />commissioner of the pollution control agency. <br />Su�d. 7. Construction dek�>ris. "Construction debr�.s" <br />means t�raste build?.ng materials, packaging, ar�d r.ubble <br />from coristruction, remode] i«c�, re�air, and rlernol.iti.on ��f <br />buildings and roads. <br />Subd. la. Containment_ "Containment" means <br />isolating, control.Iing, and monitoring waste in a�raste facili*y <br />in oYder to prevent a release of was�e from !_h� :ac:�li*y +�hat <br />would have an adverse impact upon humar� health and tne <br />environment . <br />5ubd. 8. Deaelopment region. "[]evelopmerit r�gion" <br />means a regian desiqnated pursuant �o sectio«s ?61_3BI to <br />462.397. <br />Subc�_ 8�. Director. "Director" means ttie ciirectcr ef. <br />the office of enviranmeatal assistance. <br />5ubd. 9. Disposai. "Disposal" or "�ispose" means tt�e <br />discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spi_lli«g, ?eaking, nr <br />placing of any was'te into or ori any land or water so that the <br />waste ar any constituent thereof may enter the entTironment or be <br />emitted into the air, o� discharged into any warers, including <br />��22�� 1 <br />