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Pag� 8 of 1 �0 <br />;1} reusing a produ�.t in i�_: ;;ricz;.nai iorm; <br />(2) lncreasin<3 the life spars of a product; <br />;3� reducir►q materia� or thc tcxicity �r ;na�eria; use:� in <br />productian or packagzng; or <br />{4y changzng procurement, cansumption, c�r waste gerterati.f�� <br />habits to result in smal3er quarstities or lcwer toxici�y a� <br />waste generaCeci. <br />Subcf_ 37. L�astz rendered nonhazardo�2s. "�laste <br />rendered nonnazardaus" �neans (1) waste excluded fram r�gu.ia�iar� <br />as a hazardous saaste under the delisting requirements of United <br />5tates Code, title 42, section 6921 and any federal and state <br />cielisting rules, and (2) oiner nor.YEazardnus residual waste fro[n <br />trie processing of hazardous wa;te. <br />Subd. 38_ Yard waste. "Yarci waste" mear�s qarden <br />wastes, leaves, iawrz cu�tings, tiaeec�s, shrub arici ar<�ste, and <br />prunings. <br />HIS�': ] 98U c� 569 art 1 s 3; 198:1 c 35'' s 1, 2; 19f33 �- 373 s <br />�, b; 1984 c: F90 s 32; 1984 c 649 � 1,?; 1.985 c��9 s 1-3; 1986 �� <br />425 s 12-�7; 1987 c 398 s 1,2; I988 r_ 524 s 1; 198H c 685 s <br />3,4,21; 1989 c 325 s 3; 19ti9 c:�35 art 1 s 128,119,?69; 1Sp1989 <br />c 1 ar_t 1� s 3; art 20 s 1,2; 1991 c 303 s l; 1991 c 33"7 S <br />6,7,49; 1992 c 593 �r.t I s 5-7,28; 1��93 c 299 s 7,8,6I; 1994 c <br />598 s 1; 1994 c 585 s 3; 1999 c 639 art �� 3; i995 c 22Q s 96; <br />1995 c 297 art 1 s 66; 199E; c 970 s 2-5 <br />==115F�. 034 <br />11 5A. 039 Erifot cement . <br />This chapter may be enforced urider sections 1i5.071 and <br />116.072. <br />HIST: 1992 c 593 art 1 s 8; 1993 c 249 s 9 <br />==115A.04 <br />]15A.Q4 Repealed, 1.9�39 c 335 art 1 s 270 <br />==115A.05 <br />17 `�A_ 0`i RFpealed, 19a9 c 335 art 1 s 27D <br />==]15A.055 <br />lI`iA.055 �ffice af enviroruiiental assis�ance <br />Subdivisiori 1. Oryanization of ofiic.e. The _n<f_�e ot <br />environmental assistance is an agerir.y in ttte ef.ecuC�ve 'r�ranch <br />tieaded k�y a director appointed �y �he commi>sioner of -he <br />p�l.lution contro? agency, aiith '_:�e advice and �onsent of the <br />senate, to serve in �he ur_c_lassi�ied ser��zce_ The dir.ect.�,* �:ay <br />a��poir4t tti�rc assistant direc�ors in �he �sn�iassifzed serviE_c_ anr <br />may appoint othe�- e;npioyees, as needed, :n ihe cl.ass:i`�_ed <br />service. The office is a department of the state only� ior <br />purposes of section 165.3"l, suhdiv?sion 2. <br />Subd_ 2_ Transf�r of addi�_=ona1 �owers and duties. <br />After July 1, 1994, the solid a�d hazardous waste management <br />powers and c�t�ties of �h� office and di_�ector t*ar�sferrec� to the:*� <br />Lrom the metropolitan cauncil by Laws 1994, chapter 639, article <br />5, sectinn 7, arc governed by sections 473.I99, �73.151, and <br />973.801 to 473.Q49. <br />8122/01 <br />