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� <br />Subd_ 32b. Source-separated re�yclab�e niaterials. <br />"Source-separated r�cyclable materials" nteans rec.yclabie <br />materzals, including cor+u�ing�ed recyclable llsaterials, thac arc <br />se�a*_ated by ihP generatoz_ <br />Subd. 32c. StaY�iliza�ion_ "�tabiii��ation" means U <br />chemical or therma� process in which materials or energy are <br />added to waste in order tp reduce the possibility of migration <br />of any hazardous constituents af the resulting stabiliaed waste <br />in preparation for placement o_* �.Yce waste in a stabilization and <br />containment facil.zty. <br />Suk�d. 32d. Stabilization and containment facility. <br />"Stabilization and containment facility" means a waste�y <br />that is designeci for stabilazation and contaanment of wasCe, <br />together with other a�purtenant facilities n�eded ta process <br />waste for stabi.lization, cpntainment, or transfer to another <br />Fai-ilaty. <br />Subd. 33. 'PranUfex' station. "Transfer statiort" �neans <br />an int:ermediaLe waste facility :�.n which wast.e collected from any <br />source is temporarily deposited to awai_t transportation to <br />another wa�ke facility. <br />5ubd. 34_ Waste. "Waste" means solid wasr_e, sewage <br />sludge, and hazarcfous waste. <br />Subd. 35. Waste f.acility. "Waste facility" means <br />all property, r.eal or personal, including negative and positive <br />easenients and water and air riqhts, which is or may be needed or <br />useful for the processing or disposal of waste, except propPrty <br />for the collection of the waste �3rid pr.o�>Prty used prin�ar�ly fer <br />the manufacture of scrap meta:L or paper_ Waste facility <br />iricludes but is not 1im5.ted to stations, processing <br />facilities, and disposal sites and facilities_ <br />Subd_ 3Ei. Waste management. "Waste managemerit" means <br />activities which are i.ntended to affect ar control the <br />generation af waste and activities which provide for or control <br />the collection, processirig and disposal of waste. <br />Subd. 36a. Waste management method chosen by a county. <br />"Waste management method chosen by a county" means: <br />(1) a waste management method that i.s maridated for waste <br />generated in the county by section �15A.41`i, 473.898, 473.899, <br />oz oth�r state .law, or by county ord.i.narice based on th� counCy <br />solid 4raste martagement plan developed, adopted, and appraved <br />under sectzon 115A.96 or 458D.05 or the county sclid waste <br />management master plar, developea, adoptec3, and approved ur�der <br />section 473.803; or <br />(2} a waste management facility or facilities, developed <br />under Lhe county solid wasLe managem�nt plan ot cnaster glan, to <br />which sol?d waste generated in a cour�ty is directed l�y an <br />nrd� narlce c�eveloped, adopted, and a�sproved under sections <br />115A.8C} to I.l5A.II93_ <br />S�.i3od_ 36b. Waste <br />reduction" or ">ource <br />�� generation oi was:.e or <br />waste, zncluding: <br />si22ia i <br />reduction; so�rce r�duc��an. "6°daste <br />reduction" means an ac*ivi�y :h�t prevents <br />the znclusior of Loxic mareYials ia <br />Page 7 of 120 <br />