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Voluate�a�s�a <br />To provide many of the personne� needs far the irnprovement and enhancement of leisure <br />programs for the �resent and the next century by citizens of the cominunity who will serve as <br />volunteers. <br />o�stablisll a commission to advise the City Cc�uncil oi� prajects where expertise of t11� <br />citizens can be used. <br />• There havc been several volunteer task forces, i.c. Pathway, Community Center, <br />Arboretujn Committee, Roseville Skating Center Advisory Coinmittee, Skate Park <br />Committee, Tree Task �'orce, etc. <br />o Establish a voluntecr coordinator function to serve as a clearinghouse for matching <br />voiun#ecr skills with needs. <br />■ Onc staff person, along �vith �nany other dutics, has been assigned this task. <br />o Create incentives and provide zecognition for volunteecing. <br />• AnnUal volunteer appreciation/recognition Dinner <br />• T-shirts for specia] events <br />■ Tlzank you cards developed <br />■ Other tokens of appreciation implemented. <br />o Provide appropriate support services to Roseville volunteers and programs. <br />■ Have developed a storage system for vol�nteer organi�ations tnaterials <br />� Allow and coordinate meeting space to be used by volunteers <br />• Provide extensive administrative support #o all volunteer groups and organizations. <br />o Encourage youth service through such programs as a Summer Teen Park Work Program, <br />resulting in needed services for the community and employment opportunities for youth. <br />• Created a junior leader program <br />Nathways —provide traiis aud facilitics map. <br />• To deve�op and implemenl a comprehensive trail system plan allowing residents to enjoy <br />recreational, civic, cultural, and leisure activities throughout Roseviile. This plan would provide <br />for non-motorized pathways of all types that do more than merely connect areas. ln this sense, <br />they can be regarded as an extension of the park system. <br />o Devclop and maintain a comprchcnsive palh�c�ay system that «-ii1 allaw residents and <br />visitors to be able to move between and among all Roscville parks, including those owned <br />by Ramscy County, entirely on non-motari�ed pcdcstrian and bike pathways. <br />• Have developed a pathway system that works withjn itself, i.e. a systein within <br />eacl� park and an off road syste�n to get to most all parks. PROViDE TTtAIL AND <br />FACiILIT'ES MAP! <br />o Const�uct and maintain trails that will enable residents and visitors to move between the <br />trail system connecting thc City and County parks. <br />• Provide Parks and Facilities Map. <br />o Develop a sidewalk system connecting the park trails with major civic buildings, <br />recreational and cultural facilities and shopping areas. <br />o Develop a pathway system enabling residents to leave their home and reach a Ieg of the <br />trail systcm within several blocks. <br />o Iiluminate non-motorized paths to promote incrcased safety and rz�aximize their utilization. <br />o Coordii�ate access to the Willard Munger State Trail (Gatcway �l'rail} conz�ecting the <br />Raseville tt'ail syste�n to the Uate«�ay Trail. <br />o Develop a long-range plan to plantlforest and otherwise beautify all trails in conjunction <br />with the comprehensive trail system. <br />Vista 2000 Report Page 10 of 22 <br />