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� Have numerous educational pieces at #he Nature Center, ie. Prairie restoration, <br />wildflower area, eic. <br />■ Adopted a Natural Resource Maitagement Plan. <br />o Maintain thc cooperative efforls between the City of Roseviilc and thc Ce�itral Park <br />1\uxiliary and Centra! Park Foundation. <br />• Currenily have an excellent relationship with thc FORPARKS (formally the <br />Auxiliaiy), FORi CANC and the Central Park Foundation. They have been <br />extremely supportive both fiaianeially and emotionally of the Roseville Parks and <br />Recreation System! <br />o Consider creative additional uses for park space such as berry patches, cross-counhy <br />skiing, a canoe path at I�adyslipper Park, and sledding hills. <br />• Crcatcd x-Country Skiing at Reservoir Woods. <br />• Arboretum developme�rt <br />o Promoie and ensure enviromnentally sound practices tlZrougllout our park system. <br />• Use nf envit�onmentally friendly fcrti]i7ers, i.e. Organic. <br />lFacil�ties - <br />To provide facilities necessary to meei t�e needs and expectations of the entire community. These <br />facilities will provide leisure opportunities for athletics, cultural and social aciivities. <br />o Construct a Roseville Co�nm�unity Center ��hicll couId provide areas for scniors, <br />gyinnastics, court games, finess, water play, sneeting space, cultural arts, and social <br />gatherings. Partially completed with the following: <br />■ Constructed the banquet facilities at t1�e Roseville Skating Center that assists in <br />serving thcse functions. <br />■ Gymnastic center built on to the Koseville Area High School <br />o Continuc cffoits vvith School Dist�•icts to provide joint usc of spaces such as gymnasiums, <br />auditoriums, and Iibraries, ihus maximiziz}g tlleir use while providing a��vide variety of <br />opporfunities and reducing construction and operation costs. <br />■ Scltool District Agreement, which allows use of other schaol facilities, for <br />Community G}�nnasiums at : <br />■ Central Park School <br />• B�•imlaall School <br />� Gyinnastic Center atiached to the Rosevilie Area High School. <br />o Explore methods of more effective utilization of existing ice arenas in the area, or <br />develop�nent of an additional enclosed ice sheet to solve the large unmet demand for <br />convenieni and easily acecssible ice facilities. <br />■ C�Vf11, opened in Decemher 1993 <br />o Devetop a Roseville Heritage Cenfer, possibIy through collaboration with Ramsey County <br />or other governrnent agencies. <br />Vista 2000 Repa�f Page 9 of 22 <br />