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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/24/2012 1:03:23 PM
Creation date
5/24/2012 1:03:19 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 14, 2012 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mayor Roe noted, in a recent legislative study, that single-family homes were <br /> actually a net loss to a community based on their actual value. In the future, <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that a more detailed discussion be pursued among Com- <br /> missioners,the City Council and staff specific to Twin Lakes issues and ideas. <br /> Retail Community/City cap on Off-Sale Liquor Licenses <br /> Regarding potential developers, Commissioner Boguszewski noted the limita- <br /> tions of liquor licenses of interest to some developers. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he had been approached personally by property owners <br /> and developers regarding the limits of off-sale licensing; and their suggestions <br /> that the City consider limiting licenses on a city-wide versus regional business <br /> area, such as in the Rosedale area. Mayor Roe noted past discussions and <br /> neighborhood concerns, negative impacts to neighborhoods and schools, and the <br /> need to remain aware of those legitimate concerns. However, Mayor Roe <br /> opined that it may make sense to consider additional licensing in more intense <br /> commercial areas, and offered his willingness to consider such an option. <br /> Councilmember Johnson noted the current cap of ten (10) off-sale licenses in <br /> the City; and while understanding the popularity of that model, referenced his <br /> knowledge of one (1) license holder who kept sporadic business hours, and <br /> didn't seem to maintain any legitimate efforts in keeping normal shop hours,but <br /> instead appeared to be simply sitting on one of the licenses. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson, City Attorney Mark Gaughan ad- <br /> vised that the City could add regulations as to hours and other stipulations could <br /> be tied to applications, as long as they were regulated across the board for all <br /> off-sale liquor stores and not discriminatory to one business. <br /> Discussion among Commissioners and Councilmembers related to this issue in- <br /> cluded the unintended consequence in cost to get into the market place and <br /> number of available licenses; lack of clarity in the original rationale in defining <br /> the maximum licenses available; respect for and protection of small business <br /> owners; lack of desire to become known as the retail liquor center for the north- <br /> ern suburbs; impacts to some retailers interested in developing in Roseville but <br /> stymied due to the lack of off-sale licenses available; and state statutes that ap- <br /> ply to City practices and codes for issuing off-sale licenses. <br /> Councilmember Johnson sought statistical information from other communities <br /> based on their maximum number of licenses per capita compared with that of <br /> Roseville. Councilmember Johnson opined that the maximum cap may have <br /> been established at the time the City vacated involvement in a municipal liquor <br /> store. <br />
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