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Update on Black History Month Event <br />Carolyn Curti reporied that everything is set for the February lb event at Paxkview School. <br />Mark Taylor will do two reenactments of Dr. Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech. <br />Boolox►arks with age appropriate rcading materials will be distributed to all the students. <br />Forum on the Patriot Act <br />Commissioner Vnuk reportcd on a foram she attended that discussed the Patriot Act. She said <br />even thaugh it was one of the coldest nights of the year, thcy had a packed audience. <br />Gencrally, the tone of the forum was on the infringerx�ent o£personal rights. She said that US <br />Attorney Thomas Heffelfinger attended the fonun, and he was extremely upset that his office <br />was not a part of the debate. Attorney General Mike Ha#ch was part of the forum, and he <br />responded that it was not a debate but rather a fonam givng people an opporhuuty to speak <br />about the impact of the Patriot Act. Nlr. �Teffelfinger then left the forum. <br />Commissioner Vnu.k said that several panelists spoke. Qne person spokc about the content of <br />the Patriot Act and others talked about the importance and lim.eliness of thi�s discussion. She <br />wanted to know if thc Coininission was interested in bringing such a forum to the City of <br />Roseville. Commissioners agreed that they arc interested in holding a forum, but it should bc <br />held before suinmer o.r in fall_ Cornrnission Vnuk agrecd to contact the organizers about <br />holding a similar forum in Roseville. <br />Coxnmissioners asked staff to provide a copy of the Patriot Act. <br />Other Business <br />Chair McKenzie distributed several handouts including a letter from the League of Minnesota <br />Human R�ights Cornmissions (LMHRC) to the Police Chiefs throughout the state, a Human <br />Rights Commission Starier packet and a review of the Human Rights Commission's <br />Objectives from July 2002. <br />Chair McKenzie said that the State League sent a Ietter to all Police Chzefs, and they want <br />xndividual Commissions to follow up with a second letter. The LNIHIZC wants to set up <br />training sessions for Policc Departments around the state. Each city can decide whether they <br />want to incorporate all the topics in their training session or just a few. LMHRC would like <br />local commissions to contact their police chief as a fol.lovv up to the ieiter sent ta encourage <br />the Chicfs to hold the training for the officers. The topics include: <br />l. Welcoming �Znmigranis To Your Comrnunity <br />2. Understanding, Reporting and Couniering Hate Crimes <br />3. Racial Profiling <br />4. Appreciating our Diversity as Well as our Basic Hurnan Commonalities <br />5. Responding To Calls For Thosc With Mcntal Health Problcros <br />6. The Distinctive Role of the Police in Democratic and Totalitarian Societies <br />2 <br />