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� <br />�������� -� , . <br />Human Righ�s Commission Minutes <br />February S, 2005 <br />Present: Thelzna McKenzie, Phillip Crump, Janet Delmore, Karen Vnuk, Larry Voeller <br />�lbscnt: Steve Smith <br />Sta£f.: Carolyn Curti <br />The Commission carne to ordcr at 7:05 p.m. <br />Cominissioners reviewed the DVD, This is My Home, which was produced by the University <br />of Minnesota Human Rights Resource Center and TPT MN Channel 2. The program <br />followed several Minnesota youths who talked about fiheir schaol and lifc experiences dealing <br />with discrim.ination. <br />Following the viewing, rzzeznbers discussed what the Commission could do to bnng the <br />Hurnan Rights curriculum to Raseville. Chair McKenzie said that she contacted both t�ie <br />Stafe Department of Human Rights and the University of Minnesota Human Rights Resource <br />Center (UM-�TRRC} about conducting a wor�rshop in Roseville. Thc workshop should <br />include Roseville teachers and principals. McKenzie said that Dr. Leon Rodriguez, one of the <br />participants in the production, would come to the meeting to talk about the curriculurn. <br />Commissioner Delmore said she would like to try the curriculum in her school. Chair <br />McKenzie will speak with ihe UM-HRRC about gett�ing a copy of thc curriculum for <br />Commissioner Delrnore. <br />Apprave Nlinutes <br />Chair McKenzie thanked the Comr�issioners for the productive Jazzuary z�rieehng. She said it <br />is important to rneet each year wi#h the Superintendent of the Roseville Schools. She <br />expressed disappointment that na teachers commcnted on the New Teachers Packet. Carolyn <br />Curti �11 try to talk individualiy with the new teachers at Parkv�iew School when the <br />Commission aitez�ds the Martin Luther King reenactment. <br />Cominissio�er Crump moved arad Corninissioncr Vnuk seconded approval of the minutes. <br />Motion prevailed. <br />