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� �k�������� <br />Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />March S, 2005 <br />Present: Thelma McKenzie, Steve Smith Karen Vnuk, Larry Voeller <br />Absent: Phillip Crump, Janet Delmore <br />Staff Carolyn Curti <br />Foruxn on the Patriot Act <br />Chair Thelma McKenzie called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and asked Louisa Hext and <br />Isaac Kaufinan to introduce themselves. Kaufinan volunteers for the Minnesota Bill of Rights <br />Defense Committee (BORDC) and Hext works for Jewish Cotnmunity �ctian (JCA). They <br />helped organize a xecent Patriot Act Forum in St. Louis Park and are interested in helping ihe <br />Human Rights Commisszon to sponsor a forum in Roseville. <br />Hext said the JCf1 is a grassroots organization that works on immigrant issucs. They mobilize <br />around an issue, raise awareness and work to impact public policy. Both organizations ha�e <br />strong concems about the Patriot Act infringing on basic righis. They believe the Patriot Act <br />requires Iacal law enforcement to do thc work of the federal govezr�ment and cities to do ihe <br />vvork of the US Citizen and Ixnrr►igration Services. They see this forum as an opportanity to <br />educate Rosevillc residents about the Bill of Rights. <br />Kaufman said the BORDC is a statcwide grassroots organization working to get a resoiution <br />passed at the Legislature to affirm civil liberties. He said the Patriot Act is up for renewal this <br />year, and his organization hopes to pressure Congress to rethink some of thc Patriot Act that <br />infringes on basic rights. <br />The two organizations hope to change public policy around the Patriot Act. They want to <br />accompiish this by raising awareness about how certain part of the Patriot Act infringes on <br />civil rights. They believe the forum is a good way to do this. They would thcn ask the <br />Roseville Hurnan Rights Commission and Roseville citizens if tl�ey agree vvith their prernise, <br />and if so, wI�at they could do about it. Finally, if the citizens and Commission agree, ask the <br />City Council to pass a resolution asking for changes in the Patriot Act and/or clarify that City <br />employees will not engage in actions that should be carricd out by the federal govcrnmcn#, <br />such as the Poiice aslcing whether someone is an Axz�ericat� citizen. <br />Commission.ers discussed wheiher it would be better to have a forum or a debate about the <br />Patriot Act. They a�eed that a foru�n would be better way to raise issues. Commissioners <br />agreed that they wanted panelists who cauld talk about the Patriot Aci and about the Bill of <br />