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Righ�s. Comrnissianers thcn discussed who to znvite ta be speakers. Several names including <br />Attorney General Mike Hatch, Chuck Samuelson, Mait Eh]ing, Jorge Saavec�ra, Susana De <br />Leon, Senator John Marty, Rarnsey County Commissioner Jan Wcissncr, Human Rights <br />Commissioner Steve S�x�itl�, Hussein Hesham, Rajulder Singh, Evelyn Lennon and othcrs <br />were suggested. <br />Comxnissioner Karen Vnuk moved and Commissioncr Larry Voeller seconded the motion for <br />the Corx�mission praceed with the forum an May I O at the Skating Center, and to continue to <br />look for speakers for the forum. <br />Cornmissioners, �Iext alid Kaufinan spend a considerable amount of time discussing who the <br />speakers shouid be and t�ie focus of fhe forum. Commissioners agreed to i�vite Hatch, Smith, <br />De Leon and Ehling and either Heshaz�n or Singh and io ask Marty to act as emcee. Because <br />of the short time to p1an, planners would consider others as alternates if someone was not <br />avaalable. <br />Upciate on Black History Month Event <br />Commissioner Steve Szxai.ih reported on the reenactment of Dr. Martin Luther King's I Have a <br />Dzeam spcech at Parkview School. It vvas well received by the students and ihe teachers. <br />However, Cornmissioners thought some students wcre too young to fully appreciate the <br />presentat.ion. <br />R ANS request for Sutnmary of Essay Themes <br />At thc February meeting Coxnmissioncr Voeller mentioned thai he spoke to Filiz Yargici's <br />ciass at the Roseville Area High School. They talked about the essay contest a�ad sorx�e <br />coFnrnon themes of disrespect between arzd students. Yargici expressed interest in <br />seeing excerpts of the essays. RA_HS is doing work on respectful behavior. Commissioner <br />Vnuk volunteered to zeview and summarize the essays. <br />Qther Business <br />Corninissioner Vnuk brought everyone's attcntion to the email frotn RAS Diversity <br />Coordinator Johanna Eager. Johanzza is seeking volunteers to work on the 2005-200b Equity <br />and Integration Pla.n. This year, Equity and Integration Advisory Councii and the Equity and <br />Integration Task Force will review and revise the plan together. Meeting dates are March 30, <br />Apri16, April 11 and April 25 (if nccded). Meetings are froxz� 5:00-8:00 pm. at Fairvicw <br />Community Center. Coixvna�issio�ners agrecd to ask Commissioner Cz�xnp to serve on the <br />committee, if hc has time. <br />Adj ou�rnment <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. <br />2 <br />