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prior to the expiration of the term for which such member's predecessor was <br />appointed, shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term. LJpon the <br />expiration of such member's term of office, a meinber shall continue to serve un#il <br />such member's successor is appointed and shall have qualified. <br />C. Compensation; Rcmoval: The rnembers of the comznission shall serve withoui <br />compensation, and rnay be remaved from office by a four-fifths {4/5) vate of the City <br />Counci3. (Ord. 566, 2-1.9-1968) <br />204.�5: DUTIES: <br />In fulfillmeni of its purpose, the corrnnission's duties and responsibilities shall be to: <br />A. Adopt bylaws and rules for the conduct of its affairs incf uding the election, <br />assumption of duties and definition of responsibilities of officers and comrr�ittees. <br />B. �niist the cooperation of agencies, organizations and individuals in the community in <br />an ac#ive program directed to create equal opporl.unity and elimiilate discximination <br />ar�d inequalitzes. <br />C. k'ormulate a human relations program for the eity to give increased effectiveness and <br />direction to the work of all individuals and agencies addressing theinselves to <br />planning, policy inaking and educational programming in the area of civil and hur►�an <br />rights. <br />D. Advise the mayor, the City Council and other agencies of the goverivaaent of hutnan <br />relatians and civil rights problems. Act in an advisory capacity with respect to <br />planrling or operation of any city department on issues of civil and human rights and <br />recommend the adoptian of such speci�c policies or actions as are needed io provide <br />for full equal opportunity in the community. <br />E. f�evelop such pragrams of formal and informal education as will assist in the <br />implementation of the Minnesota state act against discrimination, and provide for the <br />commission's assumption of leadership in recognizing and resolving potential <br />problem areas in the cominunity. (Ord. Sfi6, 2-19-1968; amd. 1995 Code) <br />