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C. To ensure timely and adequatc information and to expcdite Commission <br />mee#ings, Commission rnembers revievv questions or concerns with sta£f <br />prior to #he Com.misszan meeting. <br />3. In working as part of a team with staff, Commission members advise the staff <br />liaison or City Manager regarding areas of concern. <br />4. The Commission warks cooperatively with staff to determine methods of <br />providing information to, and solicitin� input from, residents and busincsses <br />concerning Human Rights issues. <br />5. `1'he Commission works with staff to deter�nin.e strategic or c�ritical issues for <br />study and to develop ideas for public education efforts. <br />Len�t�t of Term <br />Connmissioners are appointcd for three year terms. A Commissioncr may be appoirited <br />to a maaciznuzx� of iwo consecutive full terms. <br />Qualifications <br />1. Knowlcdge of the State Human Rights Act. <br />2. Interest in parficipating in activities to carry out ihe puzpose of the Hnman <br />Rights Act. <br />Apri12005 <br />1Human Rights CommissionlMember ChangeslPuaposeHRCom.04.05.doc <br />