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halls, thrown food at in thc cafeteria, and had verbal insults all day long, yet she never gave <br />up. She had the strengih that she needed to survive the school year, but I also knew a boy <br />who considered hiinself gay, and he was just as open. He was discri�ninated against like <br />you wouldn't believe. He had a more diflicuit time in dealing with it. At one point during <br />the year, he told me and many of thc other kids that did accept him that he was considering <br />suicide. We all tried to stop luxn and we go# him he1p, but then the school year ended. <br />This year we haven't scen him at all, and there have been rumors of whai happened to him, <br />but whether an,y �f thein are true, no onc is completely sure. <br />Dis crimin aiio n-D is ab iiity <br />I irnow that some people like to discriminate against people with learning disorders <br />because they make fun of ine. I have Asperger's Syndrome, a foxm of autism. Because of <br />my autism, I have certain liinits. People have noticed those limits, so tbey give mc a hard <br />tirne by making fun of ine. Last year, an Sth grader sfarted calling me a"retard" on the bus. <br />A couple of tiux�e he kicked me and he also punched n�e. I know what it is like to be called <br />nasty names and to be hurt, because I havc been discnixninated against. <br />