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.� �. � ���� � /. in . Iw NM�.. <br />HUMAN RIGHTS C 4MMIS SION <br />AGENDA <br />November $, 2005 <br />8:01 p.m. <br />Rosevill� City Ha11 <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />I, Approve Minutes of June 2005 <br />II. Discussion of Patriot Act Forum <br />TT7. Essay Contest Timeline <br />IV. Elect Human Rights Commission Chair <br />V. Attendance at Minnesota Department of Human Rights Annual <br />Conference <br />VI. Other Business <br />VII. Adj ournment <br />Be a part of fhe picfure...get involved wifh your City._. Volunteer.� <br />For more rnformation, stop by City HaH or cal! Carolyn at 659-792-7026, or check our <br />websife af wtvw_cityof� <br />Yolunteering, a Great Way ta Get 1'nvolved! <br />