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�/���"����'� <br />Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />June 14, 20Q5 <br />Present: Janet Delmore, Scott Higbee, Ann Kenney, Steve Smith, Bob Ventcrs <br />Staff: Ca.rolyn Curti <br />Acting Chair Steve Smith called the mecting to order at 7:03 p_m. <br />Apprave Minutes <br />Commissioner Scott Higbee moved and Comrnissioner Bob Venters seconded approval of the <br />minutes for the May meeting. Nlotion passed unanirnously. <br />Rose Parade <br />Ca.rolyn Curti pravided Coxzarnissioners with nine bags of candy and stickers to distribute at <br />the Parade. Commissioners Ann Keeney, Smith and Venters plan to ride in ih.e pa,zade along <br />with several of the essay contest winners. Commissioners discussed getting t-shirts with the <br />Human Rights Conunission to wcar in future parades. <br />Discussion of Community Forum <br />Coinirussioners had an extensive discussion on who to invite to the October forum, the <br />format, how to prornotc, how to involve schoois and other issues. Cozx�rnissioner Smith said <br />he war�ted speakers who could talk about ways tbe Patriot Act has been used to deal with <br />other law enforcement issues. He also suggested that we look for information about how ihe <br />act has affected people who have political cTout, and not necessarily how it affecis <br />immigrants. Other comnussioners agreed tnat thcy want sorneone who can talk about the <br />Patriot Act's affect on civil liberties. Cornrnissipners discussed whether it would bc bctter to <br />have the forum at the Sk.ating Center or in the Council Chambers. They want to know i£ the <br />forum could be taped if is at the Skating Center. <br />Commissioner Delmore asked what the follow up from the forurn will be. How does the <br />Com�lission plan to carry this discussion forward? Commission.e�r Keeney and Delmorc <br />agreed to work with the local schools to get studenis to atlend the forum and to possibly <br />develop curricuia ideas. <br />After continued discussion of speakers, Commissioncrs agreed that they would like to hear <br />from all sides on the issue. They requested that Carolyn Curti contact both US Attorney Tom <br />Heffelfingcr and Attorney General Mike Hatch to see iFthey or someone from their staff <br />