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could attend thc forum and give a brief talk. Commissioner Venters agrecd to talk with <br />professars are Hamline University to see if any a,re interested and available to participate in <br />tk�e farum. Commissioner Smith agreed to contact Susana DeLeon and Chuck Samuelson. <br />Commissioners agreed to ask Chair Thelma McKenzie to contact a�rea Human Rights <br />Commissions. <br />In�vite Roseville Police to Policc-Community Relations Training <br />Cozxum.issioz�ers asked far a better explanation of tbe Police-Cornmunity Relations `l'raining. <br />Carolyn Curti explained that the Leagae of Minnesota Hurnan Rigbts Commissions has <br />developed a community relations training session. They have contacted all chiefs of police <br />throughout thc state offering ta help conduct huxnan rights training. 'Fhe Lcague has asked <br />local cornrnissions to fo]lovv up vvith pezsonal letters to their chiefs of poiice. Commissioners <br />agreed to ask Chair McKenzie to follow up with a letter. <br />City Code of Nondiscrimination <br />Carolyn Curti reportcd that someane raised questiox�s about whether the City of Rose�ville <br />included sexuai orientation among the list of protected classes in the City's Code. C��rti found <br />fhat Section 204.Q3 of the Code states " for a11 citizens equal opportuni.ty in <br />employment, housing, public accommodations, public services a�d educarion and full <br />participation in the affairs of this community by assisring the state depaxtzxient of human rights <br />in implementing �the Minnesota human rights act, Minnesota siaiutes section 363.01 et <br />seq.....�, <br />Section 1207.27 af the Code states "The franchisee sball at aIl times cornpiy �vvith t.�,e <br />provision of the City of Roseville Code and applicable state and federallaw regarding <br />nondiscrimination and civil rights. The franchisee, its agcnts, employees, contractors and <br />subcontractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationai arigin, ancesiry, agc, <br />sex, religion or disability in connection with its services provided pursuant to this Franchise <br />Ordinance." <br />Conunissioners agreed that Section 1207.27 should be changed to reflect all protected classes. <br />They further agreed that the Code should make reference to the Minnesota Human ltights Act <br />rather than listing the protectcd ciasscs. This would pre�vent having to changes to the <br />Code ifthe state makes other changes ta the Hurnan Right Act. Comrnissioners dirccted <br />Carolyn Curti to draft a Request for Counci.l. Action and to send the draft to Commissionezs to <br />review before it goes to the City Council. Curti indicated the RCA would likely not go to the <br />Council uniil late J`uly'. <br />Adj onrnment <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.rxz. <br />2 <br />