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� �������� <br />Human Rights Comm�ssion Minutes <br />November 8, 2005 <br />Present: Theirna McKenzie, Janct Delmore, Scott Higbee and Bob Venters <br />Absent: Phillip Crump, Ann Kcnney and Steve Srnith <br />Chair Thelma McKenzie called the meeting to orde;r at S:O1 <br />Commissianer Bob Venters moved and Commissioner Scott Higbee seconded approval of the <br />June minutes. Motion prevailed. <br />Commissioners dascussed whether the Co�a�zn�ission meets in December or if volunteering at <br />the senior holiday party was in place of the meeting. <br />Discussion of Patriot Act <br />Commissioners thought it was a good discussion but wished more people would have <br />attended. They were glad thafi i�e high school students attended. Commissioners suggested if <br />we were to sponsor another forum have fewer speakers and a clearer focus — for example how <br />does the act affect our daily lives. Commissioners thought it would be better to have the <br />meeting in the library <br />Essay Contest <br />Commissioners reviewed the timeline. They discussed whether there was additional follow up <br />from last year after former Commissioner Karen Vnuk complied information from the essays. <br />Did someone mcet with the Roseville Superintendent -or was the follow up when Larry <br />worked wzth a high school teacher on conflict management`? <br />What type of follow up do we want to explore for this year is a question for discussion at next <br />meeting. <br />E�ect Human Rights Commission Chair <br />Pastponed to the December ncieeiit�g. <br />Other business <br />Minnesota Deparl�nent of Human Rights Conference is in early December. Commissioners <br />discussed who was interested in attending. Chair Mc�enzie and Commissioner Venters <br />expressed interest in attending. <br />