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� ������� <br />Human Rights Commission <br />Meeting Minutes, February 10, 2004 <br />Present: Thelma McKenzie, Chair; Mark Chapin, Phillip Crump, Janet Delmore, Jacqueline LeMay, <br />Steve Srnith, Karen Vnuk, Howard Wagner <br />Abseni: Larry Voeller, Steve Zorn, <br />Staff: Carolyn Curti <br />Thelma McKenzie called the meeting to order at 7:Q5 p.m. in tlie City Council Chambers at Roseville <br />City Hall. <br />A�prove Minvtes <br />Commissioner Jar�et Delmore raised a question about wording on page 3 of the minutes. She was <br />concerned that the Commission does not involve itself when a human right co�nplaint is involved. <br />Commissioner Karen Vnuk moved that the minutes be approved with the following change: on page 3 <br />the sentence read "She explaincd that the Commission is involved, after final action, assuming a <br />charge has been filed, then the Commission can provide support to the individuals involved including <br />support to the victim and educatian efforts to ihe offending party." Mark Chapin seconded. The <br />minutes were approved_ <br />Essay Contest <br />Carolyn Curti reminded Commissioners that the essay contest winners will be recognized at the <br />February 23 City Council meeting beginning at 7:00 p_rn. <br />Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream Presentation <br />Commissioners discussed plans for the February 21 event. Commissioner Vnuk will emcee the event <br />and she asked Commissioners to let her know if thcre are specific comments they would like hcr to <br />make at the event. CTV 15 will tapc the event. Jacqueline LeMay and Mark Chapin volunteered to <br />help set up things up before the presentation. Vnuk reminded Commissioners that Mark Taylor is a <br />social worker and minister. He has been performing this speech since high school. <br />Twin Lakes Pianning Meeting <br />Chair McKenzie reported that she, Steve Zorn and Howard Wa�er attended the initial Twin Lakes <br />Planning meeting. The City established a Stakeholders Parael to pravide input to the master developer <br />before the formal Iand nse plan on the 175 acre area is submitted to the Planning Cotnrnission and City <br />Council. McKenzie said there are many issues to consider including the mix of land uses, <br />environment, transportation, safefy, accessibility and affordable housing. Commissioner Wagner <br />explained that the Twin Lakes area is located north of County Road C, east of CIeveland Ave. west of <br />Snelling and south of County Road C2. McKenzie and Zorn will attend the twice monthly meetings. <br />