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Carolyn Curti distributed a copy of the Bias/Hate Crime Response that included the questions <br />that Commissioner Delmore raised. Commissioner Larry Voeller asked that all Commissioners <br />send their comments to him and Commissioner Zorn. <br />Chair McKenzie asked that the two subcommittees plan to report their progress at the next <br />meeting_ <br />Approve Mine�tes <br />Mark Chapin moved and Howard Wagner seconded approval of the February minutes. <br />Motioned passed. <br />Essay Contest Presentat'ron <br />Chair McKenzie thanked the Commissioners who attended the February 23 Cify Council <br />meeting where the essay con�est winners were honored. Vice Chair Steve 7,orn presented the <br />awards to the students, and three students read their essays. Following the Council presentation, <br />thc students, families and Commissioners attcnded a reception in the lower ievel of City Hall. <br />Twin Lakes Planning Meeting <br />Chair McKenzie and Cornmissianer Wagner spoke about the Twin Lakes process. The meetings <br />are very intense and the presenters provide a lot of information. Past issues include <br />transpartation, site development and environmental issues. Commissioners asked scveral <br />questions about the Twin Lakes Development. McKenzie encouraged other Commissioners to <br />attend the meetings and reminded them that information about the development project is on the <br />City's website. <br />Speakers BureaU <br />Carolyn Curti distributed a Iist of people who agreed to be a part of the Commission's Speakers <br />Bureau. Commissioners discussed ways to build the network. Commissioners asked Curti to <br />contact Johanna Eager, Diversity Coordinator for RAS, and ask her ta contact teachers to let <br />them know that we can help them find teachers. Cammissioners also asked Curti to send a letter <br />thanking those who have agreed to be on the Speakers Bnreau. <br />Goal Setting <br />Commissioners reviewed the goals set in 2003. The Commission will consider goals for the <br /> year at the April meeting. <br />Miscellaneous <br />Chair MeKenzie said Ehaf the Mounds View School DisErict had several incidents including a <br />bomb threat and racist graffiti at the high schoo�. She was invited to a mecting with <br />2 <br />